Mission Impossible

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This is the beginning of life.
We come in with a great fight.
Born in a poor family, we strive;
Born with a golden spoon, there's a good life.

Provided a book and pen, we sit and learn
Struggling with assignments and tests.
Teenage infatuations and love then appears,
But to our studies, we put in our best.

Handling the complexity of parent's parenting,
As they always make us work relentlessly.
Sometimes attempting running from home,
And asking God why we have a life of our own.

When alone, we surround the table
Thinking of the future and how we will be stable.
We dream about a life that will be loveable
"Oh, when I grow up, my joy will be unspeakable!"

Discovery of our talents,
dies if there's no atom of boldness.
The fear of failure, disgrace and shame,
gives us a hint of life's pain.

While hating secondary school, we await university
Thinking it takes away all form of mediocrity.
But when we are there, faced with a lot of responsibilities,
It brings us face to face with our inabilities.

Realizing in our secondaries, we had a lot of opportunities,
we wish we went back into that community
where we got help in continuity,
And our childish nature was covered with our teacher's maturity.

Finally, we pass the stress of university
Now living amongst the world's majority.
The pressing need to live is fast approaching
Making us realize that we need money.

Getting the job is not easy
We have to keep ourselves up and busy
When we lose jobs because of less capability,
We realize that the world left no space for the lazy.

Loneliness strikes and puts us in depression
We need a life partner with certain conditions.
Trying to meet it leaves us in frustration
"Who will be the one to continue my generation?"

Then we see the light, make things right, have a nice life and a long sweet night.
Marriage has its pain, celibacy has no pleasure
Another realization then dawn on us,
When we see a harder stage of life.

Then the family comes in,
There's numerous needs to be met
We do what we can to put in our best
Because this stage of life, we must win.

At this point, we also come to a great realization;
That life is not a bed of roses.
We appreciate the work of our old parents
As we wish we could relive memories of our secondaries.

The saying "we live in a small world" comes to play,
As we meet our friends of different ages.
Some of them , our child's fee can pay
Some of them, earn salaries and wages

In our family, we face so many troubles
We can overcome, only if we are capable
Looking back, we ask ourselves,
"Where is my Joy unspeakable?"

My love, this joy is nowhere to be found
Because our life joy can't be stable
After the troubles, our lives are still unbelievable.
This life indeed is a MISSION IMPOSSIBLE!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2023 ⏰

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