Part 5

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Blitz sprung up in surprise to the serious question, "Uhmmm, wh-what-t are we? Like, m-me and you? Oh, haha. . .well. I mean, it's obvious, really! Th-That we. . .umm. . ." the imp trailed off.

"Oh, I see." the prince replied as he stood up and put on his robe, "If you don't wish to be with me, Blitz, then we should probably end this now." as he still refused to look the imp's way.

The small imp's heart sunk a bit, "Wait. What do you mean? What about this? W-What about the book an-and the deal?"

The owl took in a sharp breath, "Blitz, I just don't think you and I are on the same page about one another. And I think it would be best if we just put an end to it now. If you're concerned about your work, I can aquire you a-"

The red being then cut him off.

"It's not about the damn job!! It's about how I really fe-" Blitz stopped himself before he went on any further.

His eyes widened a bit as an old memory came back to mind. One that still ached his heart to this day.

The imp then turned around and began gathering his things and getting dressed, "Y-Ya know, maybe you're right, Stolas. It's better this way. . ." Blitz said as he quickly hopped over the balcony, got in his van, and drove off.

The prince then plopped down on the edge of his royal bed with a sigh, "Satan, damn it. . ." as he clenched an Asmodean Crystal in his hands.

The small imp was driving back to his apartment as his mind was overflowing with old memories from when he was in the circus.

Fuck. . . I wish my damn brain would shut up!!

Blitz can't help but be reminded of his first love almost every time he's around Stolas.

His childhood best friend, Fizzarolli. The star of the circus. The son his own father always wanted.

Blitz never hated Fizzarolli, but admired him.

Looked up to him and trusted him.

And overtime, fell in love with him.

Fizz was completely oblivious to Blitz's crush. And Blitz knew that. He didn't want him to know. At least, for the moment. Because Blitz wasn't sure what to do with himself. He wasn't sure what to say just yet.

Until, Fizz's birthday came around.

Blitz thought it would be the perfect opportunity to finally tell Fizz his honest feelings. He knew he would absolutely blow it trying to tell him face to face, so he thought a letter would be better instead. And even picked one of Fizz's favorite flowers to give him along with it.

The nervous imp tried to work up enough courage as he reached the tent where the party was being held. He peaked inside to see if Fizz was there, and sure enough, he was. Just smiling about.

Blitz couldn't help but feel a rush of nervousness again as he realized how many people were around Fizz all at once.

Then he saw his father walk up to Fizz and handed him a card that said clear as day on the front, "wish you were my son". It honestly angered Blitz a bit, even though he was already well aware of how his father truly felt. But on top of that, so many other thoughts began rushing over the imp.

N-No. . . Th-This is a bad idea. . . What was I thinking?? Besides. . . Fizz would never feel the same way about me. . . Everyone's right. . . I'm just a no good piece of shit. . .

Blitz decided not to go in, but before he closed the curtain, Fizz noticed him and actually waved at him with a huge grin.

Blitz couldn't bring himself to go in, as he held back his tears for the moment and walked off from the tent.

As he walked off, he accidentally bumped into another circus imp who was carrying in the birthday cake, with candles already lit.

The teenage imp didn't stop though.

He kept going.

The other circus imp ended up falling with the cake and the lit candles caught the party tent on fire.

Within seconds, the entire circus was in flames.

Everyone was running around in complete panic.

Fizz was near a case of fireworks and unfortunately got severely injured from being right in the blast.

Blitz got burned pretty badly himself. Especially to half his face. He saw the state Fizzarolli was in and immediately ran to find help.

On the way though, he noticed his mother's tent in a blaze. He immediately ran to her aid, but was too late.

During all of the commotion, Blitz had no other choice but to flee the scene. The entire circus grounds was falling apart on top of everyone. Most survived, but unfortunately a few did not.

The next day, Blitz figured Fizzarolli would be in the hospital, if he survived.

Fortunately enough, he did.
Cash Buckzo wouldn't dare leave his star performer behind.

Blitz found Fizzarolli's room number and was about to knock, until Buckzo came out at the same time, "Blitzo!? What are you doing here!? I'm surprised you're even alive!"

"I came here to see Fizz. . . Is he okay. . .?" Blitz asked with a worried expression.

Buckzo gritted his teeth for a moment, "My star performer is FAR from okay! And it's all YOUR FAULT! And as a matter of fact, Fizzarolli does NOT want to see you! He said he never wants to see your pathetic face again!! NOW LEAVE!" he spat and shouted.

Blitz walked away with a shattered heart.

As Blitz was deep in thought, he didn't realize he had already made it home hours ago. He's just been sitting in the van this whole time.

Ugh. . . Fuck. . . It's dark out now. Loonie should be home by now.

- End of part 5

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