Part 23

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"Blitz, what's wrong?" Fizzarolli asked with worry.

Blitz then winced in pain as he held his head a bit, "F-Fuck!! My head. . .- I. . . I remember that being said to me before, a few times, I think. But, the voice was different. It was soft, and soothing. . ."

The pain in his head increased, causing him to fall to his knees while clenching his head, "D-Dammit. . . !"

"Blitz!!" Fizz placed his hands on the imp with great concern as he looked up to Asmodeus pleadingly.

Loona then woke up from all the commotion finally, "The fuck is all the noise?- Dad!? DAD!!" she immediately ran over to his side, "W-What happened??? What's going on???"

"I'm fine, Loonie. . ." Blitz spoke, "It's just a headache, I think. . ."

"Oz. . ." Fizz said, "We need to get him to the hospital."

Asmodeus understood and opened up a portal to the entrance of the hospital. The four of them entered through and called down a nurse to tend to Blitz.

After a while, the doctor came down to the waiting room, "Blitz will be fine. It's just some symptoms of his amnesia. Give him some of these pills if the migraines persist any further. If any more problems occur, please bring him back."

"Thanks, doc. . ." Fizzarolli spoke.

The doctor then walked off.
Fizz leaned on Ozzie the whole time as worry overtook him.

"Froggie, what is it?" Ozzie asked.

"I just hope Blitz pulls through and doesn't get any worse than this. . ." Fizz answered lowly, "I can't lose my best friend again. . ."

Asmodeus held his little imp close, "It'll be okay, babybear. . ."

Loona sat there silently and anxiously, worrying more and more about her father.

Not too long after, Blitz was released since nothing else was going on with him medically, "Hey, guys. . . You didn't have to wait up." Blitz said.

Fizz ran up to the imp and hugged him tightly, "We were worried about you! Of course we all stayed!"

"Thanks, Fizz." Blitz said as he hugged him back.

Then, a royal owl came walking through the entrance, "Blitz, dear! Are you alright?"

Blitz was caught by surprise, "Y-Yeah, I'm fine, but how did you know I was here?"

"Asmodeus texted me. And I got here as soon as I could." Stolas replied.

"Oh, okay. . . Well, I'm fine, heh." Blitz replied sheepishly.

Why the fuck am I always so nervous around this damn bird???

"Is there anything I could do for you?" Stolas offered kindly.

"N-No. I think Loonie and I are just gonna head on home." Blitz answered as he looked away.

Blitz then took Loona by the hand and walked out of the hospital.

Asmodeus approached the royal owl, "Hey, baby bird. . . I'm sure he'll remember you. Just give it some time."

Stolas let out a depressed sigh, "I've been giving it plenty of time, Asmodeus. I'm afraid I'm just going to have to accept that Blitz and I are no longer together. . ."

The burly demon thought for a moment, "Hold up, now. What if we got him to fall for you again?"

"It was a miracle he even fell for me at all the first time. . ." Stolas spoke.

"Truuuue." Fizz added, "But you didn't have me to help out!~ I am quite the matchmaker! Hehe!~"

The owl appeared unsure, "Heh. . .um, I'm not so sure about this."

"Technically, Froggie. They're already a match." Ozzie added.

That comment had Stolas's face turn beet red.

"Yeah, but Blitz doesn't know that. Imma kill whoever fuckin' hit him." Fizz threatened.

Asmodeus let out a belly laugh, "You're too cute, Froggie."

"Now that I think about it, Blitz is usually a very good driver. Despite his speeding and recklessness." Stolas pointed out, "It's not like him to accidentally get into a wreck."

"Accidentally." Ozzie commented.

"It's just one of those things that happens sometimes. Everyone gets into a car wreck at least once." Fizz added with a shrug.

"I suppose you're right. . . I just wish I hadn't made him late for work that day. Then maybe it wouldn't have happened in the first place. . ." Stolas expressed sorrowfully.

Ozzie then placed a hand on the owl, "Stolas, look at me! Don't you even DARE try and blame yourself for that. It was just a freak accident."

"But, if he had left earlier. Even by just a mere second, he'd be fine! Everything would be fine!" Stolas cried, "B-But. . .as usual. . .I messed things up. . ."

Ozzie's gaze softened towards the owl, "Hey. . .you are not a mess up, baby bird. I promise you that." and hugged him.

Stolas tried to hold back, but he couldn't any longer. He wholeheartedly broke on the big burly demon right there in the middle of the hospital, in front of Fizz.

Right then, Fizz truly realized just how much Stolas loved Blitz, "I'm gonna go take care of some things, Oz. I'll see you back at home." and scurried out of the hospital.

"Wait! Froggie!" Ozzie called out, but Fizz kept going. Ozzie didn't like Fizz going out without protection. It made him feel uneasy and worry, "C'mon, baby bird. Let's head to my place."

The pair then left through a portal to Ozzie's home.

Fizzarolli went to inspect the scene of the accident, as well as Blitz's van. See if there was any evidence of who hit him that day. And sure enough, there was. Despite it being fixed up, the indent was still just slightly there. It was a royal symbol from the hood of a limo.

"Oh, great. THAT COULD BE ANY DAMN FUCKING SHITFACED BIRD!!" Fizz hollered with frustration.

Maybe if I bring a photo of the evidence to Stolas and Oz, one of them might know.

Fizzarolli then headed back home.

A few hours had passed since Fizz went to investigate, but he hadn't realized until he saw the two royal birds, "Uhh, Ozzie, is he drunk????"

Asmodeus sighed, "Very. . . I see how he has an iron liver now." the burly demon said as he tended to the drunk owl.

"Sheesh. . . You look like crap, Stolas. . . Anyways, I came here to show you this and see what you might think of it." Fizz said as he handed over the picture.

The owl tried adjusting his eyes a bit, as he wasn't feeling the best, "It does look familiar, but I can't quite place-" He then dropped the picture and puked his guts out in the nearest trash bin.

"Baby bird. . .I said go to the toilet if you're gonna hurl. . ." Ozzie facepalmed.

"Umm, is there anything I can get you?" Fizz asked, "Maybe some water, some gin, a priest?"

Stolas then stood up and wiped his beak with a clothe Ozzie handed him, "That's alright, Fizzarolli. . . There's no need." as he made his way over to the couch and slumped down, "Now, what's this about?"

"Well, I'm looking into Blitz's car accident to see what I can find." Fizz explained, "And with the van being fixed up now, this fixed up dent was all I could find. I can tell it's a symbol, but I'm not sure of what."

Stolas looked at the picture once more, "W-Wait. . . It sort of looks like- No. . . It couldn't be. . ."

"Stolas. . .?" Fizz spoke.

Stolas checked over the image again and again, "This symbol. It's been so long since I've seen it. It belongs to Stella. . ."

-End of part 23

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