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   Jessa laid face down in her bed as someone banged on her door. Groaning, she grabbed her pillow and buried her head beneath it.
   "Come on Jessa," her twin called from the other side of the door. "You need to get up."
   "Go away," Jessa groaned in response.
   Her door swung open and the pillow was yanked off of her head. "Get your lazy ass up and get dressed."
   "Just five more minutes," Jessa yawned as she tried to shoo Mischa away.
   "In five minutes, you'll miss breakfast. So get your fucking ass up before I have to drag you out of bed and dress you myself."
   Jessa slowly sat up and looked at Mischa, her hair falling in a mess around her face. Looking at her twin, she saw that she was already dressed in her academy uniform. "When did you start using such vulgar language?"
   "I get it from you. Now get dressed before the cake is gone."
   "Fuck you," Jessa teased as she threw her pillow at Mischa. "I'll be there in a little bit, just be sure to save me a piece. Maybe ten."
   "I'll try, but there's no guarantee," Mischa told her as she left the room.
   Jessa stretched and looked around the dorm room. She had spent most of the night unpacking and still had a little bit left to do. She kicked aside an empty box as she dragged herself towards the wardrobe. She quickly got dressed and fixed her hair. Looking in the mirror, she saw the nasty scars that ran down the right side of her face. No amount of makeup was able to cover them and her supernatural healing was no help as they were made by silver. Jessa straightened out the skirt of her uniform and grabbed her bag before leaving the room.

   Jessa sat down at the table, her tray piled high with food, and started wolfing down her breakfast.
   "Looks like Jessa's finally got her appetite back. It was getting so concerning at the amount of food going to waste," Max teased her.
   "Fuck off," Jessa said with her mouth full as she flipped her vampire friend off. "They ran out of cake."
   "They never had any cake," Jae told her.
   Jessa gave her twin a death stare. "How the fuck did you do it?"
   "Do what?" Mischa asked.
   "Slip a lie past me."
   "I had to get you here somehow, it's our first day of classes."
   "Ugh. Remind me what our schedule is."
   Mischa reached into her bag and pulled out a sheet of paper. "First up is History with Professor Lupis in room four fifteen."
   "Next is Humanities with Mr. McQuarrie in room one ten."
   "Then it's Study Hall in room three eighteen."
   "Ugh. Pass."
   "After that are the Core classes with Madam Applegate in room one oh three."
   "That old bat is still teaching? Isn't she like seven hundred and ninety years old?"
   "Just because I'm old, doesn't mean I can't teach." Jessa looked over and saw a large, round woman standing at the table. "And for the record, I am seven hundred and thirty-five. And trust me, I'm not looking forward to another year with you."
   "Whatever you say, Madam Jiggletits."
   Applegate slammed her hands onto the table, leaving two large hand sized dents in it. " It's Madam Applegate you brat. You're lucky the term hasn't officially begun yet otherwise you would've found yourself in detention quicker than you can shift into your wolf. Just because I respected your father when he was alive doesn't mean I'll show you that same respect. So you better watch yourself." She backed away from the table and turned away. "But know that I still give my condolences for what happened to you that day."
   Jessa watched as Applegate walked a way, her larger than normal breasts bouncing with each step. "That was odd. Anyways, what's after those?"
   Mischa looked back down at the paper. "The last class is Combat and Defense with Coach Fern down by the pond."
   "At least there's one good class this year. Now if only I could get rid of these fucking scars."
   "They should've healed by now," Terra said. "Even if they were made by silver, they still should've healed fully."
   "That must've been the permanent damage the healer was talking about," Brax told them.
   "So I'm stuck with these scars forever?" Jessa asked.
   "Maybe you could try covering them up with makeup or something."
   "I've tried that. Nothing worked. It's like they're enchanted or something."
   Brax grabbed her hand and smiled. "Scars or no scars, I still love you all the same."
   Jessa smiled and finished the food on her tray.

Supernatural Academy: Curse of the Silver WolfWhere stories live. Discover now