First day

140 3 11

All characters are 18 years old

Ships are:











Yuichiro, Yorichii and Shinobu are single

Kimetsu Academy is a private highschool that is very famous for (you think of a reason) and it's a fun place where you can adapt your mind to.

Giyuu POV:
My alarm woke me up a 6:50 A.M
I tried to turn it off but then I just got up.

As I woke up I remembered that
It was my first day at Kimetsu Academy.

I woke up brushed my teeth, took a quick shower and changed into my new school uniform.

It was a white button up and a yellow sweater with a yelow-paige pants/trousers and a green tie.

After I changed I put my hair in a ponytail then I heard my sister tell me something

"Giyuu come downstairs and eat breakfast."Tsutako said

"Okay" I said as I walked downstairs

Then I sat at the breakfast table as I saw what breakfast was it was pancakes

"Mmm this is so good thanks Nee-san"I said after taking a bite of the pancakes

"I'm glad you like them." Tsutako said while smiling as she also took a bite of her pancakes.

End of POV.

Time skip to where giyuu is leaving~

No one's POV:
'Beep Beep'

"Giyuu the bus is here." Tsutako said as she was doing her hair

"Okay Nee-san " Giyuu said to her and before he left he gave her a hug

"Love you."Giyuu said

"Love you too." Said tsutako as they were both waving goodbye to eachother

Giyuu then went to and sat as he waited he put on his headphones and put on some music.

(Giyuu likes Jazz but like Laufey's songs.)

Then there was a stop he saw Four people who went in the bus.

He saw a boy with red hair and a mark on his forehead

Behind the boy was a girl with black hair a orange tips and pink eyes

There was a second boy who had blonde hair with orange tips as well and he was walking behind the girl and blushing for some reason?

Then there was a boy who had dark blue hair and his blouse was open and he was running to the bus as if it was a race while laughing

As they walked they saw giyuu and the boy decided to greet him

??:"hello you look new.
Whats your name?"

Giyuu:My name is Giyuu Tomioka.

??:hello Giyuu Tomioka my name is Tanjiro Kamado

Giyuu:nice to meet you Tanjiro Kamado, who are those people with you?

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