Chapter 1- Robin

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This story is a pretty emotional short about Robin, the feelings she has for Luffy, and her trying to reconcile those feelings with the realities and dreams of both herself, and Luffy. Not much dialogue, although I'll make a second follow-up story later that's mostly fluff.

Nico Robin sat alone in her room aboard the Thousand Sunny, her thoughts consumed by a tumultuous storm of emotions. Her gaze was fixed on the wall, but her mind was far away, struggling to contain feelings that threatened to overwhelm her.

What had happened? Her captain, Monkey D. Luffy, had died. Or so they all thought. But Luffy, being the indomitable force of nature that he was, had returned, now possessing an even greater power – a power that shook the very foundations of the world. The crew had celebrated his triumphant return with joyous shouts and laughter, but for Robin, the celebration was tinged with sorrow.

She wasn't exactly sad about Luffy's return; nor was she furious with him. Her emotions were far more complex than that. She was overwhelmed, frustrated, and, most of all, terrified. Terrified of the path Luffy was relentlessly walking.

Robin had always been the realist of the crew, the one who saw the world's harsh truths and faced them head-on. She understood the significance of Luffy's newfound power. It meant that he would continue to be a beacon for trouble, but also for hope, a magnet for those who sought to challenge the status quo. He would keep putting himself in danger, fighting for justice and freedom, heedless of the consequences.

Her thoughts wandered to the day they had first met, when Luffy had stretched out his hand to her, offering a place among his crew. She had hesitated then, burdened by the weight of her past, by the bounty on her head, and by the countless lives she believed she had ruined. But Luffy had seen something in her, something worth saving, and he had made her believe in a future she had never dared to dream of.

And now, as she sat in her room, her heart heavy with unspoken desires and fears, she couldn't help but wonder if Luffy could sense her inner turmoil. She longed for the day when she could find the strength to share her feelings with him. She had always been the one to hide her emotions, to keep her walls up, but with Luffy, it was different. He had broken through those walls, had shown her kindness and acceptance when she least expected it.

But despite her love for him, a part of her yearned for a different life – a quiet, peaceful life away from the chaos and danger that seemed to follow Luffy wherever he went. She had often dreamed of a remote, idyllic village where they could live together, away from the constant peril that came with being a pirate.

Yet, she knew that such a life was a mere dream, a selfish fantasy she could never voice. Luffy's spirit was untamable, his heart an unwavering force of justice, and she respected him for it. She had witnessed his unwavering determination to protect his friends, to chase after his dreams, no matter the odds stacked against him. It was one of the many reasons she had fallen in love with him.

But that didn't lessen the ache in her chest as she watched him venture forth into the world's chaos, wishing for nothing more than to hold him close, to protect him, and to share a life where the only battles they faced were the ones they fought together. The conflict within her raged on, torn between her love for Luffy and her desire for a peaceful existence, and she couldn't help but hope that, somehow, they could find a way to bridge the chasm between their dreams and realities.
And that was precisely what gnawed at her heart. She couldn't ask him to stop, to forsake his destiny as the Pirate King. It was a selfish wish, she knew, but she couldn't help herself. She loved Luffy too much to watch him throw himself into the maw of danger at every random island they stumbled upon.

As all these thoughts swirled about in her head, Robin couldn't help but silently start to cry. For the past she had, that would always be a dark part of her, for the family she'd gained that she knew would eventually part from each other, and mostly for her heart. For Luffy, her love, her captain, who'd saved her from the world, and from herself. She knew she was doomed to lose it all eventually, as she always does. She silently called out for her captain, wishing for him to come in again, to save her from her heartache.

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