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Hey there everyone, I know it's been wayyy too long lol. I'm not gonna make a bunch of excuses and claim I got blown up by a nuclear sub so I couldn't write or anything lol, just know some stuff happened. But anyway, announcement. I'm officially finishing this story, finally! I've had a rough outline of the final chapter for months, but just never was able to finish it. That's changed now, and I'm actually almost done with the final chapter. I will be releasing it next Sunday, June 30th. But since I already have a lot of it done, I'll give yall a sneak peak I guess. Just a few hundred words, haven't even had then reviewed yet, but I think it's good.

Robin's heart raced with surprise and delight as she swung the door open to find Shanks standing there, his trademark grin lighting up his rugged features. "Shanks!" she exclaimed, unable to contain her surprise. She quickly composed herself and ushered him inside, leading him through the cabin to the bustling dining area.

As they entered, the lively chatter among the guests momentarily ceased, all eyes turning to the red-haired pirate who strolled in with an easygoing air. Luffy, always quick to react, was the first to spring to his feet, bounding over to Shanks with unbridled joy. "Shanks! You made it!" Luffy exclaimed, enveloping his mentor in a bear hug.

Shanks chuckled warmly, returning the embrace. "Couldn't miss your big day, Straw Hat," he whispered in reply, his voice rich with affection. "Your invitation was too tempting."

Luffy grinned widely, his excitement palpable. "I wanted my whole family here," he explained proudly, gesturing around the room at their boisterous gathering. "Well, as many as could make it," he added with a wistful look, knowing his crewmates would soon join them.

Shanks nodded understandingly, taking a seat at the table amid the cheerful commotion. As the night wore on, the cabin resonated with laughter and merry antics. Garp, in his usual irreverent fashion, attempted to serenade Dadan with slurred Christmas carols, much to the amusement of everyone present. Shanks, surprisingly, joined Robin in a spirited rendition of "Jingle Bells," his deep voice blending unexpectedly well with Robin's melodic tones.

As the sake flowed freely and the hours slipped away, Luffy eventually rose to his feet, his gaze sweeping over their assembled guests. "Alright, everyone," he announced cheerfully, his voice cutting through the jovial cacophony. "Let's gather in the living room!"

The cabin buzzed with warmth and laughter as Luffy led their guests into the living room, his heart swelling with gratitude for the makeshift family gathered around him. They settled in a circle, a patchwork of familiar faces from their adventures and bonds forged through trials and triumphs.

Luffy stood in the center, his gaze sweeping over each person, a wide smile etched on his face. "I've never been one for speeches," he began, his voice carrying a rare sincerity that commanded attention. "But today, with all of you here, I can't help but feel unbelievably lucky."

He looked at Garp, who stood tall and gruff, a grandfather in every sense despite their lack of blood relation. "Gramps," Luffy nodded with affection, "you taught me strength, even when it's tough love."

Turning to Dadan, who sat with a smirk and a half-empty bottle of sake, Luffy grinned. "Dadan, you raised me fierce and wild, and I wouldn't trade that for anything."

His eyes then found Shanks, the man who ignited his dreams and entrusted him with a future. "Shanks, you gave me the courage to set sail, to chase after my wildest dreams."

Luffy's gaze softened as he looked at Robin, his anchor amidst storms and his partner in every sense. "And Robin," he continued, stepping closer to her, "you've shown me a kind of love I never knew existed. You accepted me—my selfishness, my naivety, my impulsiveness—without hesitation. You didnt look at my flaws as something to be overcome, but as strengths to use, that made me special. You believed in me in a way no one else did."

He took her hand, his touch gentle yet firm, and his voice lowered to a tender whisper. "You've made me a better man, Robin. What's a king without his perfect queen?"

With that, Luffy reached into his pocket, retrieving a pendant that glinted in the warm glow of the cabin's firelight. He opened it slowly, revealing a charred piece of cloth—the remnant of the World Government's flag. "This," he explained softly, his eyes never leaving hers, "is what I fought for. What I burned down for you."

Robin's breath caught in her throat as she realized the significance of the charred cloth. Tears welled in her eyes, overwhelmed by the depth of Luffy's love and sacrifice.

"You gave me the strength," Luffy continued, his voice steady despite the emotion evident in his eyes, "to take on the world and come out on top. I wouldn't have it any other way."

As the room watched in reverent silence, Luffy dropped to one knee before Robin, his heart laid bare. "Robin," he said, his voice unwavering with determination, "will you marry me?"

So yeah, there we go! I hope yall like the way I'm taking the final chapter, and I'm making it the biggest one yet. It's honestly a relief to finally put this story to rest like it deserves. The amount of support it's gotten is astounding, I've gotten roughly 10k reads across all platforms, which is crazy for my 2nd story. So thank yall, and look out for the finale!

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