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"Baubles, bangles, hear how they jing, jinga-linga
Baubles, bangles, bright shiny beads
Sparkles, spangles, her heart will sing, singa-linga
Wearin' baubles, bangles and beads
So she'll glitter and gleam so
Make somebody dream so
That some day I may buy her a ring, ringa-linga"

"Over here!"

"Waiter more blood please!"

"Hurry the fuck up WERE STARVING"

Baubles, bangles, hear how they jing, jinga-linga
Baubles, bangles, bright shiny beads
Sparkles, spangles, her heart will sing, singa-linga
Wearin' baubles, bangles and beads
So she'll glitter and gleam so
Make somebody dream so
That some day I may buy her a ring, ringa-linga" repeats the song

The waiter walks up to the table. The table had four demons sitting at it, all in humane form.

One was Jill Kennedy, the daughter of  JFK and Jackie Kennedy.

The seconded was Bob Reed, a billionaire who made his fortune off selling kids, drugs and weapons through the black market.

The third was Brajan Hoveranoms, the prime minister of Poland.

And last but not least the fourth was me, Margo Killa. I was wearing a sparkly gold dress covered in diamonds (I stole this dress off the president of Serra Leones wife. I slit her throat and ripped out her intestines than took her dress, the bitch had it coming). The dress was tight, I wore black sharp heels, my hair was up in a high ponytail. And for the final touch I wore a golden phantom of the opera mask. I was under the disguise as the president of Serra Leon's wife.

"So, Bob how's the kids?" Asked Jill

"Those fucking half breeds! FUCK THEM!... I HATE THEM SO MUCH!" 

"Ohh," says Brajan "I DO TOO HAHAHAHAHA!!!!" He says laughing his ass off

"HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!" Goes all three of them.

Jill looks over at me with a bitchy face. The song summerwind starts to play.

Now before I knew Jill was a demon I was friends with her. She was kind and funny but one day she just said "fuck you! I'm done" and left me. Now I understand that she was just using me for information. Jill was as skinny as a pencil, she used to be fatter than a fucking pumpkin but than lost it all. Must of been from all the people she had ate.

"Haha..." she laughs

I sit there with a smug bitch face acting like I gave a shit about what they were saying. I mean they were talking about killing kids which Bob did A LOT.

"Oh come on Sarah! Laugh!" Jill says nudging me than taking a drink of her blood

I shake my head smiling but not showing my teeth.

"I can't..." I say

"WHY?!!!" Yells Brajan

At this time all three were drunk.

We were sitting in middle of the ballroom. The ballroom was now all cleaned up for Satans return, it was decked out with the colors red and gold. The lights were gold and same with the tint. The demons had changed the seating arrangement and had now brought out the little circle tables, it was just us four, the rest of the demons were all partying outside. The time was 3:22, the demons were to come in at 3:30 to eat a giants heart from hell. This was also the time Satan was to come.

"I can't..." I say

"OH SURE YOU CAN!!!" Bob says hitting the table "WAITER ANOTHER!!!!!"

The waiter walks by and pours more blood in. He than walks away

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