MOTHER (full story)

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"Margot and Robert Killa. You have both been
invited to are exclusive group party at 12:00 PM, Friday the 13th." Read the letter

"Singed. James R Patterson"

I looked up from the letter and looked at my brother Rob. Rob was wearing a black tux, he had black long curly hair, little freckles and white as snow skin. I was wearing a red tight Versace dress with red lipgloss and black eyeshadow. Rob was looking out the window, I could tell that he was nervous but I didn't know why he would be nervous, this was just like any other party we had been to just maybe a little bit more fancier.

I put my hand onto Rob's knee to calm him down.

"Margot..." Rob said nervously

"Rob just take a deep breathe it's a party! Not a demon ritual."

"Yeah..." Rob says blatantly

"Your fine, just take a deep breathe." I say to him hoping to get him to calm down.

I move my eyes away from Rob and look out the car window. We were in the middle of nowhere in California, nothing but sand, rocks and cactus's.

I hear Rob exhaling and inhaling. I turn my head from looking out the window to look at Rob and see how he was doing.

"Relaxed?" I ask

"Yeah." Rob says

"Ah huh." I say "let me see your face..."

Rob turns his head and looks at me.

"Margot I'm fine." He says smiling for a quick second

"Ok. Just remember it's noting big or scary, just a party."

"Yeah!... just a party! Just a fucking party with her!"

"Rob we talked about this. She's out of the picture. She has a boyfriend now."

"I know, but I think she still has feelings"

"Oh stop acting like a fucking teenage girl!" I say to him, I than reach under my seat and pull out a bottle of tequila and hand it to him.

"Here, take a shot, we need to loosen up that fucking pussy..."

Rob grabs the bottle of tequila out of my hand and takes a drink. He brings the bottle down and looks at me

"Shit, what am I doing, shit" Rob says taking another drink

"It's ok! We won't be there long."

"We better not be..."

"Has she tried talking to you?" I ask

"Yes" Rob whispers

"Ah. Rob why didn't you tell me about this, I would have contacted the lawyer and told him that she's violating the restraining order."

"I know, I know. It's just, that I, that I still have feelings for her. I, I still love her."

"Rob. That bitch tried to kill you because you wouldn't have sex with her."

"Margot! I don't want to talk about it!" Rob yells

"Rob! If we don't talk about it! How the fuck are we supposed to get over it!" I yell back

"I DONT FUCKING KNOW!!!" Rob screams

The car goes silent other than the radio that is playing the song "ain't no way" by Aretha Franklin. I grab the bottle of tequila out of his hand and take a giant drink of it.

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