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Tonight was the first time you and Miles have been able to spend the night together, it was a lot of convincing but both of the party's parents agreed BUT only if one of the two slept on an air mattress so they weren't in the same bed.

This led to you and Miles sitting on your bedroom floor as you spread a face mask onto his skin, his eyes opened and watching you. "If this hurts, I'm going to kill you." He said, his voice straight and flat.

"It.. won't." You replied, sending a reassuring smile. That was a big lie, it was going to hurt like bloody hell but you couldn't tell him that at all.

"You're lying." He ruffled his face but continued to let you apply the mask, all over his face so it cleaned out his clogged skin. After a few minutes, it had dried and you were about to take it off of him, as scared as you were you had to.

With your hand on his cheek and his eyes closed so he could scrunch them if it hurt, you quickly ripped up a piece of the mask off his skin. That caused him to shriek and cry out in pain, his face turning red.

"It's not that bad." You said as Miles held onto the skin where the mask was previously. Your hands move up to another part of the mask and quickly repeat the process.

He whined and cried for like five minutes everything the mask got pulled up off his skin, and after you successfully took it all off he just stared at you. "You said It wasn't going to hurt y/n." His tone was rushed and melodic.

"Yeah, it wasn't supposed to but something was wrong
With your face." Y/n replied and they grabbed
Some face moisturizer and pumped some onto their fingers to put on Miles's face.

He closed his eyes and leaned into your touch as you started to rub the moisturizer into his skin. He didn't speak while you did so you can get everything you can.

After a while of hanging out and doing stuff, you both fell asleep and did not obey the parent's rules. You and Miles ended up falling asleep in the same bed, you were laying and he was on top of you with his arms around your waist and head on your lap.

Miles morales 🤍Where stories live. Discover now