{☀️ camp}

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This year your parents decided to send you to summer camp since you weren't social at all, it was a stay-away camp so you would be staying there overnight and for the whole summer. You hated that idea, arguing and begging them not to send you but nothing worked.

"Alright kid, we are here. Let's just try it out for a few days then I'll come get you if you don't like it." Your guardian said as they turned the car off, looking at you in the mirror before getting out of the car to help you unpack your clothes. "I don't want to go." You groaned and leaned your head back into the seat.

After forcefully unpacking, all your stuff was in the beaver cabin. If we were being honest this camp looked way better than most people would have imagined, the cabinets were big and nice along with the dining hall.

Your parents already left so you were just standing there until going into your door to relax, once you got into the cabin you saw a boy on the bed. He looked like he was your age, give or take a year. He was just stilling on the bed and playing with action figures. After a while of just staring at him you sat down on the bean bag and grabbed a book out of the little library. I opened the book and it was like they hadn't been used since year 100, the pages all hard and dusty.

When the pages opened it made a noise and Miles turned to look at you, his short brown braids came up to his shoulders and his brown eyes moved around your face. "Hey." His voice was way deeper than you would expect, he looked like he was 12 years old but he had the voice of a man.

"Hello." You smiled at him for a greeting and then looking back at the books, he didn't look away. "You know, if you want to read one of my comics instead of those you can." Ruffling started to happen as he went through his bag, pulling out a black- widow comic and handing it to you.

"Oh thank you, what's your name?" Your sweet voice said, Miles, looking back at you and sitting up on the bed. "My name is Miles like the distance." He seemed calmer than most kids, not running around and yelling at all.

"What's your name?" He asked. You stared at him and chuckled, "My name is Y/n." You nodded at him and he nodded back. " I like your name, it's cool. My name is like. . . Boring." You were about to reply until a counselor came and told you that it was time for lunch.

"Wanna sit together and talk more?" He asked, putting his action figures and comics into his bag so they could get going. "Yeah, sure." You said, smiling since you already made your first friend in the short amount of time you have been there.

He led you into a big dining hall and stayed close to you so you didn't get lost or dragged into a random group as you walked. "You want lunch? You probably will since they don't give us food again until dinner." He asked you and you just nodded.

After a few weeks, you and Miles got close to each other and even found out you go to the same school just he's a year under, now you have a friend there to talk to and hang out with in the halls or outside when you both had the chance.

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