Chapter 7: Always Finish What You Start

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Kajol: You weren't just acting.

These were the words Kajol had the courage to text and briskly send to her best friend last night. She threw her phone like it was lava not being able to even anticipate what he would say next. Kajol knew she KNEW it wasn't all in her head. Shah Rukh had stared into her eyes too deeply and kissed her too sensually to be fake.

Well, he never answered her back that night. She was constantly checking her phone, there were never any new updates. After a while, Kajol just felt stupid and humiliated once again by this man. All he had to do was say something! Anything so that had some type of insight on where his head was at.

Kajol was currently sitting alone at her favorite intimate café. Soft music was always playing, and the overwhelming smell of fresh pastries always wafted through the air. Sometimes they would even have live performances from local talent. The venue was just always a calming escape for her to think and free her mind. She never had to wear a disguise thanks to the owner. She had always made things safe and comfortable for Kajol.



With a sigh, eyes glared at her phone that was currently face down on the table. It was probably Ajay asking her to bring something on her way back home. She had taken her time staring out the window of the sky-view building and sipping her coffee.



Kajol rolled her eyes placing her coffee cup down on the marbled table in front of her. She quickly wiped her hands on her pant legs before flipping her phone over and looking at her notifications... Shah Rukh had responded not once, but twice. Kajol was instantly nervous now.

"Everything OK Kajol?" Varsha asked refilling Kajol's coffee cup.

Varsha was the owner of the café. From day one, Varsha had always treated Kajol as a regular person like everyone else. Over time they had become friends. Talking for hours about their lives, hopes, and dreams for the future. Varsha actually knew Kajol's whole situation with Shah Rukh. When Kajol first told her about her desires and feelings for Shah Rukh that was the first time she ever seen Varsha act like an excited fan. Kajol wasn't disturbed or annoyed by her reaction. She liked that at least one person in the world knew and encouraged it, even though it was wrong.

"Shah Rukh just texted me back." Kajol stated holding her phone for dear life. Staring at his name on the screen. Varsha had quickly taken a seat next to her nudging her arm.

"Don't just look at his name. Open the damn texts!" Varsha squealed in excitement.

Taking another deep breath Kajol did what she was told and opened the message.

Shah Rukh: You're right. I wasn't.

Shah Rukh: I think we should meet and talk about it. If you are not busy and willing.

Kajol and Varsha both stared in awe at the message. Never in her wildest of dreams did Kajol think that Shah Rukh would openly admit such a thing to her. Her palms instantly felt sweaty and she laid her phone down wiping her hands on her pant legs again.

"Tell him to come by here. I'll kick everyone out." Varsha said plainly. Kajol looked at her friend as if she were a mad woman.

"You'd just kick all of your patrons-" Kajol abruptly stopped talking when Varsha stood on the chair she was sitting in to yell to the masses of people presently in her café.

"Good Morning everyone, the café is now closed 'til noon for private and personal affairs." Varsha vocalized cupping her hands around her mouth. All Kajol could do was put her head down in shame trying to hold back from laughing at her crazy friend. Within 15 minutes it was just Varsha and Kajol present in the café.

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