Chapter 1.

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«4 years back.»

an blonde haired male asked to the male besides him,Yu.
"Mika..I've told you enough times to knock of the 'chan.' Already.."
Yu was now answering cockily to the closest family member of his.
"Yeah,yeah." The figure called Mikaela balled at his response and laid by Yu what was reading an book that the both particularly liked.
"Anyway how many times have we read this?"
The slightly taller figure asked,adding on.
"I bet about twenty times or so.." Now giving up Yu let out an sigh and closed the book with an title naming:
'the secrets of outside' the two oldest members always talked about the outside world and wishing to escape the rules of the Vampires that always surrounded the area itself. To disturb the silence Mika decided to break it with an question.

He asked with an slight smile with an hint of seriousness.
"What now Mika.."
At the moment Yu gave Mika an stare for response and annoyance.
"Well,this may sound stupid but will we ever get outside?
Outside of this hell,with the rest of our family?"
"I bet we will,and when we do..we can live an happy life."
"Promise?" Mika tilted his head slightly with question and concern combined.

The two shook each others hand In Promise that they would be planning to do.

To get to the land of tomorrow.

« W/ Yu. »

Yu sighed the slightest on his trip up to the wall,also known as safety zone, slumping the black haired didn't give the slightest of care in his expressions. All he kept was his usual face and attitude towards the enemies that were the vampires and also to his teammates and comrades.


The teen turned around trying to notice what made the ground rattle at the sudden point. With his eyes x-raying the area his hands left his sides and were planted onto his sword,holding the grip firmly and tight due to he did after all,enjoy getting the revenge..the revenge of his family-.


Disturbing the thoughts the noises went further away, and the grip onto Yu's sword was gentler then the time he was at first, the teen now was back to his usual self,calm,sort of blank,nothing different then an original teen would ever be.
With now slumping closer to the safety zone Yu kept his head high to look at the tip-top of the building where he didn't actually want to return,to retreat. After all,you couldn't blame the jet black haired for his advanced concern towards the enemy.

Yu hesitated and turned away from where his location should've been 10 minutes ago,all the teen did was space out,not hearing anything. Just the slightest rustle of the wind That kept reality near enough,now onto Yu he had leapt onto the closest path where it'd be straight enough to stand on,he couldn't be bothered with the way people didn't allow him to do what he wished inside the wall.
Of course he lived outside the wall though,it was like an heaven..but with an side if hell within. An sigh escaped from the males mouth as his eyes shut before anything could happen. The eyelids shut for around 5 seconds with the silence caught with it. Now all Yu wished to do was to have his family with him now-

Breathed an male in front of Yu,the warm breathe brushed the jet-black haired teens palish skin. The voice heard calm but mostly with shock and when Yu managed to open his eyes,he looked From the feet of the figure to the top,the figure besides Yu looked familiar somehow. But with an white-like outfit and an taller scale then Yu himself about an 1cm or so. With the figure was blonde hair and blue eyes,now it wasn't what Yu expected.

It was him,the person that he ever called family.

"M-Mika.." An blush appeared under the watery eyes of Yu. All around the both figures the silence of the breeze and the heavy breathing of shock between them both,the males named 'family' were finally Reunited.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2015 ⏰

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