Several hours later and wearing a smile that was only half fake, I stepped out of the SUV.
The summer sunset blazed brilliant oranges and reds across the western sky, and I closed the door to find David already at the back hatch, carefully unloading our luggage onto the sidewalk.
Sidling up next to Jessica, I whispered, "Okay, I have no idea what I'm doing, so I'm going to follow your lead."
She whispered back, "It's like commercial air travel, but more relaxed and less of a hassle. We still have to get our bags screened, but it's nothing like regular security, trust me."
Glancing over at my dad, waiting with his arms crossed, I asked, "Do you do this often?"
Jessica laughed, "Your father refuses to fly any other way."
I watched him, eyes narrowing, remembering how, as a child, I'd only ever flown to visit my mother's family in Washington - always commercial and always without Dad.
In hindsight, his cheating shouldn't have been such a shock...
Back at the SUV, my bag came out last, joining Jessica's and Dad's on the curb. When the back was empty, David spoke a few parting words with my father then headed for the driver's seat.
As Dad and Jessica began to walk toward the carefully landscaped private terminal, I followed David, tapping lightly on his shoulder, knowing that this would likely be my last time speaking with him.
"Hey," I waited as he turned, tucking some hair behind my ear, "I just wanted to say, 'thanks' for all of your help this weekend."
"Oh," he smiled, "you're welcome, Nora."
"And, just for the record," I glanced toward the terminal, "you're an excellent assistant, and whatever he's paying you, it's not enough."
David snorted, following my gaze, "I know."
"Anyway," I cleared my throat, "I just wanted you to know that, y'know, in case I don't see you again?"
He frowned, "Why wouldn't we see each other again?"
Chuckling, I blinked away tears, "Because my dad's a selfish, narcissistic asshole, and cutting him out of my life is frankly overdue?"
David's expression grew solemn, "Oh. I'm sorry to hear that."
Swiping a hand under my eyes, I smiled, "I don't want to unload on you, I just wanted to say 'goodbye'."
"It's alright," David reached out to squeeze my shoulder, "I work for your father - believe me, I get it."
"Well, I guess enjoy an easy week?" I joked.
Grinning, David opened the door, "It's basically a vacation for both of us."
With a wave, I walked toward my waiting bag, turning to watch as he drove away.
Bye, David.
Taking the handle of my rolling suitcase, I strode towards the doors, mindful of my father's habitual disregard of time and the fact that we had to hurry to make the 8:00 takeoff.
Once we were past security, employees ushered us to a waiting room with a view of the tarmac-
-where Adam and Bruce were waiting.
I want you there.
Adam's words sent a wave of heat through me, and it took everything within me to keep my cool.
Bruce rose, greeting Jessica and my father.
Turning to me, he said, "I'm so glad you were able to come as well!"

The Fling (18+)
RomanceNora knew she was out of her depth, knew that the smart thing to do - the 'right' thing to do - would be to ignore his scandalous proposition... But would one night of 'wrong' be so bad? ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ Thank you so much for...