Chapter 14

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Blinded by my anger, I stalked along the sidewalk, trying to put as much distance between myself and my father as I could.

The fucking audacity...

A fresh wave of betrayal washed over me, and I stumbled on my feet. Sighting a bench just up the way, I hurried over, settling down and burying my face in my hands.

Hot tears scorched blazing trails down my face, fueled by my absolute fury.

Then, the bench shifted as someone sat down next to me.

I didn't need to look over to see who it was-

-the scent of his cologne is embedded in my bones.

Groaning, I demanded, "What do you want?"

Adam's resonant voice answered me. "Are you okay?"

"No," I croaked, "no, I'm really not, and I want to be alone right now."

"You sure you don't want to talk about it?"

"With you?" I scoffed, "No."

"I've been told that I'm a good listener."

Looking up, I scowled, "Adam, I think it's a little late for the 'attentive godfather' bit, don't you?"

Way too late, I thought, remembering the way his skin felt against my tongue.

"Maybe," he admitted, "so how about we just have a conversation, person to person?"

I stopped, pressing my lips together.

"...I just - I can't believe I fell for it."

"Fell for what?"

"The invitation. I actually thought that he wanted to see me. I thought that he genuinely wanted to spend time with me."

"I'm guessing that he doesn't do that much?"

I scoffed, "Try 'ever'."


Shaking my head, I answered, "Ever." Picking at the skin on my thumb, I continued, "I had this realization with my therapist a while ago - I cannot remember one moment from my childhood when he didn't act like being around me was an obligation. Not one."


Chuckling humorlessly, I mused, "Is it any wonder I have 'daddy issues'?"

Adam snorted, and I sighed, thoughts darkening as my father's final words echoed in my mind.

Pausing, my voice lowered, "And then he has the gall to throw my biggest insecurity in my face." Grimacing, I felt the pain of that betrayal rip through me again.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Adam hesitate. "The 'grandchildren' thing?"

"You heard that?" A sharp bolt of shame hit me between the ribs.

Oh, god. He knows...

"Yeah," he admitted.

"Fucking hell," I muttered.

"So, it's not my place to ask-"

Rolling my eyes, I replied, "We're well past having normal boundaries."

"Was it fibroids? Endometriosis? Cancer?"

I froze, turning to stare at him.


He nodded grimly. "Thought so."

"How-" I cut myself off, thinking back to that night.

That look, when he saw my abdomen. He was surprised, but not confused...

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