✰ 6 - Goretober (Finally!) | MAY INCLUDE TWS

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More charts were on Chrome, now one is more up in my alley.

(Tw - mention of su1c1d3, and more.)

I'd prefer to do this

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I'd prefer to do this... Early. Considering I don't stay caught up with everything.

Now, this will ONLY be with my OCs. Especially MLP OCs because ✨I can✨

Anyways, I'll be starting off with disemboweling. I had to search up the word to see if it meant what I thought it meant; turns out I was right.

Now... I was craving to draw Gore for a while lately, this came to save ✨moi✨.

This is for those who can't decipher the words.

1 - Disemboweled (removal of intestines)
2 - Slit Throat
3 - Starving
4 - Burnt
5 - Shot
6 - Haunted
7 - Unaliving thyself (aka suicide)
8 - Mauled
9 - Torn up
10 - Lasers (I read this as Karen's)
11 - Self-Cannibalism (eating yourself because yummy✨)
12 - Broken limb
13 - Eyeless
14 - Hanged
15 - Missing limb
16 - Cannibalism (but eating another person because UMAI)
17 - Stabbed
18 - Nosebleed
19 - Decapitated (this is going to be fun and hard to draw, tbh)
20 - Impaled (take Olaf as an example)
21 - Dreaming (Gorey dream I guess?)
22 - Nightmares
23 - Undead (some Resident Evil stuff right here)
24 - Self-Harm (this is going to be easy but also hard getting I don't have those types of scars)
25 - Trauma
26 - Insane (haven't been the same since I expired–)
27 - Sick
28 - Broken jaw
29 - Arrows
30 - Blinded
31 - Scars

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