(1)Where are you?

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It's early in the morning and Rinn-Ah has just arrived at school. She looks around in search of Youkie, Rinn-Ah walks to class in hopes to see Youkie.  They hadn't seen each other since last Saturday at Rinn-Ah's house for a sleepover, in which that night would be a night where both Youkie and Rinn-Ah could never forget.

A few minutes later~ Rinn-Ah is still in search of Youkie "Is she just late?" Rinn-Ah whispers to herself. "Rinn-Ah!" shouts Justice drawing Rinn-Ah's attention to the voice, she turns and sees her friends Justice and Skyler. "HEYY~" says Rinn-Ah while hugging her friends, the girls are very happy to see each other. They all hadn't seen each other since Friday and hadnt spoken much during the weekend.

"How are you guys?" Rinn-Ah enquires in a enthusiastic voice "Im good, just wish the weekend wasnt over" replies Skyler. The conversation continues with all the girls talking about their weekend and what they did. "Oh and have you guys seen Youkie? I haven't spoken to her since last Saturday" Rinn-Ah asks both Justice and Skyler, they look at each other. "I actually havent seen her, she's usually here early. Maybe she's late" replies Skyler. Justice and Skyler brush it off as Youkie just being late but Rinn-Ah gets worried as Youkie's practically NEVER late, Rinn-Ah decides to just also brush it off as Youkie being late.

By first period Youkie is still not at school. Is she absent? Did something happen to her? Rinn-Ah gets a bit worried and restless as she doesnt know where Youkie could be or what state she's in. Youkie usually always says Good Morning to Rinn-Ah through text but there was no message today. She also cant call or text Youkie as students are not allowed to have their phones at school.

The day goes by and Youkie didnt come to school. Its late afternoon and Rinn-Ah wonders why Youkie hasnt come to school, is it because of what happened Saturday? Rinn-Ah waves good bye to Justice and Skyler as she makes her way home. She gets into her house and rushes for her phone, no calls, no texts, no nothing. Rinn-Ah's a bit upset about this but decides to call Youkie, no answer, she calls one more time, still no answer. Rinn-Ah decides to text instead, seeing that Youkie hadnt been online since yesterday at 17:15, Rinn-Ah's feeling a bit anxious. "Where is she?" she sighs to herself.

Its almost time for Rinn-Ah to go to bed, as she keeps thinking about Youkie she receives a call. Its Youkie's number, Rinn-Ah answers. "We need to talk" a voice abruptly speaks as Rinn-Ah was about to say greet. "Is this about what happened Saturday?" Rinn-Ah enquires, "Yes...it's about Saturday" Youkie replies

Hope you likes this<3

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