(2)What happened Saturday?

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The girls stay quiet for while, both waiting for the other to speak. Rinn-Ah speaks "Youkie...what happened Saturday was bound to happen, I don't feel great about it-" Youkie interrupts her "I know, I know...this thing we have going on between us...its just..ugh..I dont even know what we really are. I just feel like with what happened...it just made me think alot..." the girls both keep quiet once more, letting themselves feel and think about the emotions they are having. "Should we just break up?" Youkie says in a low and visibly sad voice, "Break up? How can we break up when we werent even dating?" Rinn-Ah replies with a voice and tone like she's about to break down in tears.

The girls stay silent once more. Youkie sighs after hearing what Rinn-Ah has just said. "Yea...we weren't dating and we're not dating right now but...the thing we had between us...how can we pretend like Saturday didnt happen" Youkie speaks taking many pauses as she flashes back to what happened Saturday. Rinn-Ah sighs  "I'm not trying to pretend like Saturday didnt happen cause it did! And we just have to acknowledge it...Youkie I love you, I really do but this THING that's going on...its not right". Youkie abruptly replies "I know its not right and I know you think that this is some unholy shit! I can't keep pretending like I'm straight and that I'm not madly in love with you!".

The girls both burst into tears. What had been going on between them? Why do they feel this way?

"Youkie, I know...I know how you feel but I'm not like that. What's been happening these past few months are mistakes, it isnt right" Rinn-Ah says trying her best to convince Youkie. "Rinn-Ah...you and I both know this wasnt a mistake, I loved these past few months and I know you did too. Since Saturday things had been nice but we dont have to keep doing this and hurting each others feelings, I'd just prefer if we dont speak about what's been happening..." The girls stay silent with slight sobs coming from Rinn-Ah. "Good Night Rinn-Ah, I'll see you tomorrow" Youkie hangs up with a many tears dripping down her face, Rinn-Ah bursts into tears hugging her pillow tightly.

Rinn-Ah was NOT looking forward to tomorrow and she knows that Youkie was also not looking forward to it to.

I really wonder what happened Saturday...What's been happening this whole time?

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