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I begrudgingly get out of bed the next morning at glorious 3:00 in the morning. I usually have little problem getting up early, but today is not one of those days. I shower and get dressed into a cute outfit that's still comfortable because I am sitting on a plane for almost ten hours.

I go sit and wait on my couch until my ride is here. It's a carpool with Laura, Alejandro, and Sierra. Al's driving us and obviously Laura won't be in the front seat but I don't think she likes me so I have to decide whether to bite the bullet and deal with her or Alejandro for the car ride to the airport. Not fun.

We are here whenever you're ready, Heather. -Aleasshole

I'll be right out - Heather

I roll my suitcase down the stairs of my apartment complex and head to the car. Looks like he already picked up Sierra, and she chose the back.

That little traitor!

I open the passenger side door and step in.

"Hi everyone," I say, mainly towards Sierra.

"Hi Heather! I'm sooooo excited," Sierra says cheerfully.

"Sierra, it's too early for this," Laura says, rubbing her temples.

Guess Laura isn't a fan of anyone in this car.


Thankfully, it's a short ride, and we arrive at the airport in about 20 minutes.

We step in and go through check-in, security, and basic flight things, and we have about an hour until boarding.

"We should go look around while we wait," Sierra suggests to me.

I nod my head, and we go to one of those small airplane stores. Once we are out of Laura and Al's earshot, I turn on her.

"What the fuck Sierra," I whisper shout at her.

"What -"

"How could you make me sit next to him! I mean honestly, you know our history! I think it would have been more humane to be next to Laura," I huff and cross my arms.

"Oh! Oh my gosh, I completely forgot! Honest Heath! Besides, since you're sitting next to him on the flight I thought it would be okay."

"Wait- I'm sitting next to him all 10 hours?! Why is this the first I've heard of this?"

"Well, I'm assuming you are. You are his assistant girl."

She's got me there.

"You're probably right. But hopefully you'll be nearby."

"Even if I'm not, I'll gladly try to save you," she says, winking at me.

We head back to board, and to no one's surprise, I'm sitting next to Aleasshole in first class. Surprisingly, Laura and Sierra are in economy. I sit down and prepare for the flight to take off. Despite my love for travel, I get anxious on planes.

I turn to Alejandro, hoping talking to him is a good enough distraction while the plane takes off.

"Why are we in first class while Sierra and Laura are not Mr.Burromuerto?" I ask, slightly shakily.

I never realized how much I actually hate planes. The last time I flew was about 2 years ago to visit my sisters in Canada, and Courtney was with me. Ever since then they have visited me.

Alejandro just kinda shrugs and says, "Maybe I wanted some time alone with you, Ms.Kasuga."

The way my name rolled off his tongue made me want to cut his off.

"Careful there, I have a boyfriend, Al-"

"A boyfriend who doesn't deserve your beauty," he says, smirking. "And Alejandro or Mr. Burromuerto please."

"Reminder that I am your employee. I can and will report you."

"Report me to who? This is my family's company," he laughs. "The only higher up is mi padre."

I silently fume.

"Still, this is inappropriate. Do you flirt with all of your employees?"

"Only the pretty ones," he winks at me.

"Like Laura, I suppose?" I retort.

"My personal relationships are none of your concern, Ms. Kasuga."

"They are when you're trying to make me a part of them," I reply.

"Most people would just sit back considering I could fire you for saying that."

Shit. He is right. I don't see him as a boss, just the asshole who dumped me. But, I need this job.

"Well, respectively, I'm not most people Mr. Burromuerto. Besides, I know you. Or, I did know you back in high school. But maybe you forgot that. "

The same way, he forgot all about me. I clench my fist. It still hurts thinking about it. How he left me all alone. During one of my worst times, even if he didn't know it.

"Of course I didn't. Now, if you need anything, let me know. But, Heather?"

"Yes, sir?"

"I hope you know the plane has taken off now."

A/N: I hope you all enjoy this chapter, kinda filler, but yeah! Aleheather is coming, I swear. As always, thanks for all your support 🫶🫶 I'll start working on the next chapter ASAP. Happy Spoopy Season 🎃

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