Dirty Eggs??

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This takes place literally 2 weeks after the new Spanish and English people had joined. Where Chayanne is the only one awake for the longest time


•Wilbur's POV•

    I woke up in my little house that was now fully protected with Philza's help. For being a person who plays only vanilla, he was super good at this modded crap. Tallulah was sound asleep upstairs so I decided to go on a little walk to Tubbo's place. He was making a factory which made it super super laggy. My brain almost gave out as I approached it. (That is a lore way of saying crash, haha.) "Tubbo! How's the Tubbo Chunk going?!" I yelled, try to be heard over all the machines running. He popped his head up from underneath a machine he was working on to glare at me.

       Chayanne was there too but he looked... dirty?? "Chayanne?! What happened little dude?!" I yelled, running to him, frantically. Even if me and him fight a lot, doesn't mean I don't care about him. His duck floaty was all lopsided and he had dirt all over him. 'I don't know what happened to me! I just woke up and looked like this!' He signed to me. "We have to get you cleaned up little dude! What would Philza think about you being this dirty while he was away!" I laughed, trying to lighten the mood.

     "Fit and I already tried man, it's not coming off!" Tubbo said panicked. I hadn't even notice him get out from underneath the machine! "Well what do we do?! Is every egg like this?!" I yelled. "We don't know! No other egg has woken up yet," he said. "One sec, I'm checking on Tallulah!" I said, rushing to find my warp stone.

      "Mi Niana? You awake my dear?" I said gently as I entered her room quietly as to not startle her. "I'm awake papa..." she placed down a sign, she was curled up into a ball on the bed. "Tallulah can you look at me for a second?" I asked, not wanting to force her to if she wasn't comfortable with it. She turned to me, her skin was just as dirty as Chayanne's. "Oh Mì amor... what happened to you..." I gasped and ran to her side.

     "I don't know papa... I just woke up and now everything hurts and I'm filthy!" She signed to me before starting to cry. My poor girl was in pain! I will find who ever did this to my brother and daughter will PAY! I wrapped her in a hug as she cried on my shoulder. I had learned all about the codes and the federation during the past few weeks, but this couldn't be the code... right? "I will be right back, I'm gonna go find some pain meds that are meant for children, ok sweet pea?" I said, she nodded.

I climbed downstairs and rummaged through our medicine cabinet for some child friendly pain killers. My eyes settled on a white pill bottle with a black smiley face on it. 'The fuck? This wasn't here before?' I picked it up to look at it but I quickly remembered what I was meant to do and set it down. I grabbed the liquid form of Motrin that she liked because of the orange taste.

"Sweetheart I'm back," I said opening the trapdoor that led to her room. She was quietly reading one of the books that I had made her before I left. She shot her head up as I entered, 'Hai papa' she signed. I poured some of the liquid into the cap before handing it to her.

Forever had told us that the only eggs awake were Tallulah and Chayanne. I had gotten really attached to Pomme and Richas so I didn't want anything to happen to them.

Phil was gone for the week, leaving Chayanne in the care of me and Tubbo. He would kill us if he found out about this.. I picked up Tallulah before putting her on my shoulders and then warped to Tubbo's place, where Chayanne was. "What do we tell Phil?! I mean he might even kill us for this!" Tubbo panicked. Tubbo had already grown attached to the eggs even though it's only been to two weeks. He was pacing back and forth.

    "Tubbo. TUBBO! Please calm down! Everything will be fine I promise you!" I said as I placed Tallulah down next to Chayanne. Tubbo seemed a little bit calmer after that, but he was still so scared.

     "Has anybody else had their eggs wake up yet?" I asked in the chat box.

Badboyhalo: nope, Dapper is still asleep :/
Forever: Richas is not awake
AyPiarre: Oh! Pomme is awake!

    Me and Tubbo looked at each other before replying;


    Tubbo glared playfully at me when I sent the message. "What? This place is super laggy," I laughed at his angry expression. "DON'T CALL IT TUBCHUNK!!" He yelled at me, which caused poor Tallulah to cover her ears. "Oh shit! I'm so sorry Tallulah, I didn't mean to!" Tubbo rushed to Tallulah and hugged her as she patted his back. 'It's ok Tio, I know you didn't mean to' Tallulah signed as he let go of her.

    These two were becoming even closer by every day that passes. Although his favorites will always be Ramon and Richarlyson, he loves all the eggs. Speaking of Ramon, Fit had just woken up.

    Fit warped to Tubbo's place, where we were. "Ramon hasn't woken up yet.. it's been days..." he said, worried. I looked at him and sighed.

    Just then, AyPiarre and Pomme showed up. "Pomme is all dirty, are your guys' eggs like this too?" Pierre asked, walking up to the platform we stood on. Tubbo and I both nodded at him. He looked over at Tallulah and Chayanne, "Oh no! Chayanne's floaty is all beaten up!" He bent down to try and fix it but Chayanne backed away from him, not wanting to be touched. "Ok ok, I won't fix it for you, but all you need to do to fix the head is add a little bit of super glue to it and then boom! Ducky head is fixed!" He explained. Chayanne nodded at him before signing to him, 'Thank you Tio Pierre, I will let my big brother do that though.' I smiled at him calling me big brother.

We must find out what      happened to the eggs..

(+) Wilbur_Soot Where stories live. Discover now