While You're Here In My Arms

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Author's Note: Hi! New chapter again, yay. I don't own Glee nor the people/characters in this. This is a bit more happy and upbeat than the earlier chapters, hope you enjoy it. Cowritten by me and my best friend Ruby, she does Kurt's bits and I do Blaine's mostly. I also write Sam, because Sam is my all time favourite character. Love him and his weirdness! (ps. I wish I could be at a party where Sam took his shirt off, jesus christ. But who wouldn't like to see that?! haha. He's a gorgeous man! Hints of Brochel, Quinntana, Jarley and Ritty/Kyder or whatever their shipname is!  Enjoy! 

Blaine stopped outside the building and looked up at it, seriously going over the thoughts in his head. Should he really go up to the apartment and try to work this out? Or should he do the easy thing and run? He could take a flight back to Lima, hang with his friends and try to forget that this ever happened. He could move on with his life and let Kurt have his life, which he seemed to want. But no. Blaine had made up his mind. He was going to walk up to the apartment, make this all work. Kurt must want it a little bit, judging by the text he sent. He knew that Kurt loved him; he’d just been a bit bad at showing it. And he loved Kurt, which he thought he’d proved by coming here. He opened the door to the building and walked in. His heart started beating faster and the nervousness was taking over him. He reached the door and put up his hand to knock, but hesitated. He thought quickly about everything before knocking two times on the door. He’d made up his mind, he had to do this. For their relationship, it was make it or break it. And they really couldn’t break something that was already so shattered.

The door swung open to reveal a very excited Kurt who immediately dragged Blaine through the front door and into his arms. "I'm. Sorry. I'm. So. So. Sorry. Never. Leave. Again." He mumbled in between kisses. Kisses on Blaine’s forehead, his cheeks, his nose, his neck until Blaine became frustrated and dragged Kurt into a passionate kiss (no tongue of course, Kurt hated tongue) before they ended up in Kurt's room. Both pulling at each other’s clothes, this was a dance they had perfected over the years. Blaine couldn't help but smile as even in the midst of the passion Kurt still took the time to fold all his clothes into neat piles. Blaine’s clothes however were thrown on the floor, something he knew Kurt wouldn't be best pleased with in the morning but right now he didn't care. He had Kurt back. And not just the Kurt from the wedding who wanted drunk, slutty wedding sex, but the Kurt who would kiss him in all the right places, the Kurt who didn't just have a look of lust in his eyes, but something else too: love. The two of them were so caught up in the moment that they didn't hear the door of the apartment swiftly open and a gaggle of voices in the living room. It wasn't until they heard a large crash that Kurt tore his lips from Blaine's with a slight nervous look on his face. "Blaine. I think someone's breaking in."

They quickly got dressed, which made Blaine frustrated as he clearly had activities on his mind that didn’t involve clothes. But Kurt, lovely and sweet Kurt, wanted to see who the hell was breaking in. Blaine couldn’t really care less. He wanted Kurt, now. But no, that wouldn’t happen. Because someone had decided to ruin the moment. Kurt slowly opened the door only to let out a gasp, which made Blaine really confused. It didn’t sound like a “I’m so scared, we’re going to die” gasp, but more like a genuinely shocked gasp. Blaine peered out from the room and saw… the Glee club. In its entirety. They had completely taken over the apartment, with food and alcohol and hey was someone playing the guitar? Kurt opened the door more and said, “Guys?”

They all seemed completely oblivious to the fact that there were two very confusing guys watching their every move. Finn was the first one to turn around and he smiled brightly. “HEY!” he shouted, which made everyone else turn around. And with everyone, Blaine meant everyone. He could see Sam, who looked like he was in a passionate discussion with Ryder about what song he’d just played on the guitar. And there was Santana, standing in the corner talking to Brittany and Quinn. Rachel was nowhere to be seen, as usual. Tina was sitting at the kitchen table with Unique, carefully pouring a drink. Artie was even there (God knows how they’d gotten him up the stairs?) and he was talking to Jake about something. Kitty was looking bored and drinking quickly from a cup as Marley told her in detail about what she and Jake had discussed on the plane there.

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