Chapter 5

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Loves Pov

"Dad?" Sadie calls out, no reply. The ruckus continues, attracting me and Sadie down the hall. We finally make it to the door, Sadie slightly in front of the me. The Harper girl suddenly looks down, my eyes following hers.

Sadie stands in a pool of red liquid, immediately stumbling and slipping backwards. She groans and whines out of fear, falling back to the floor. She hits a shelf with her back, causing a couple items to tumble off. I'm stood in shock, the red floor clouding my mind.

"Shit. Are you okay?" I pant, finally making my way to Sadie. "Mhhm." She hums, fear creeping through her voice. The brunette keeps her eyes on the puddle, making mine travel there aswell. Blue starts slipping through the crack of the door, mixing and swirling with the red.

Relief runs through our bodies, it's just paint. I hold my hands out, letting Sadie interlock them with hers to help her up. She waits with me as I slip my shoes off, then leads the way through the art room door. Paint cans and boxes scatter the room, while colorful liquid covers the floor.

Stifling is still heard from the back of the room, however, Sadie's attention snaps directly to a torn painting on the floor. God, she's losing everything of her mom's one by one. Another bang sounds, coming from the closet in the back of the room. I carefully walk around Sadie, slowly making my way to the door.

"Wait!" Sadie whisper yells, making me stop and spin my head. Sadie quickly grabs an exacto knife from the floor, and moves to lead the way once again with her new weapon. I can practically hear our heartbeats despite the loud thuds coming from the closet. Sadie slowly opens the door, pushing it all the way until it hits the wall.

No more noise can be heard, the room is silent. I follow the brunette into the dark closet, looking around for any signs of danger. The creaking of the door slowly closing fills my ears, until it slams back open. "Are you okay?" Mr. Harper shouts, flicking on the light and rushing in to check on Sadie. "Yeah." She pants, nodding her head.

The high pitch squeak of the door comes back, causing me to turn to the source. Fear enters me faster than a car crash as my eyes widen. A man hung from the door, lifeless and dull. I'm stood in shock until Sadie starts screaming bloody murder. I quickly fly around, noticing Mr. Harpers hand covering my friends eyes.

"It's okay. Don't look." I whisper, pulling her away from her dad and into a hug. She sobs into my shoulder, arms loosely around my waist and hands gripping onto my shirt. "Love, will you take her down stairs please." Mr. Harper begs. I nod, using my arms around Sadie to guide her out of the trashed room, and down the steps to the living room.

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