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Kara's P.O.V.

Leaning my back up against a cold, stiff chair, I twiddled my pencil between my thumb and finger on the desk as I practically died of boredom. Honestly, listening to my History teacher, Mrs. Reynolds, drone on and on about the farmers in the Great Depression is now a form of torture, in my opinion.

"Now class," Mrs. Reynolds started, "Franklin Roosevelt created the idea of the New Deal for his campaign slogan and was able to create many programs to help people during the Great Depression. Flip to page two-forty in your textbooks and I'll give you a chance to read about it. Then I will hand out a worksheet for you to fill out. Do your best, this will be graded on accuracy."

A few people groaned as we flipped through the pages. It astonishes me to see that Mrs. Reynolds never fails to give us more work.

My eyes started skimming blocks of sentences in my stingy History book that is most likely thirty-years-old. I'm already halfway through the page until I realize I haven't retained any information and I have no idea what I just read. Typical.

"Kara!" Someone whispered. I turned my head around to lay my eyes on my friend, Ellie, about two rows behind me. She held her fist out on her desk with a piece of paper crumpled tightly between her knuckles. 

She looked twice around the room before she threw a balled-up piece of paper at my head.

"Ow!" I muttered. "What the hell?"

'Read' she mouthed.

I reached down to my desk and unfolded the note.

Follow me.

I gave her a questioning look, but she just ignored me. She then raised her hand for the teacher's notice.

"May I go to the restroom? It's an emergency." She made a fake grimace and crossed her legs. I almost couldn't hold in my laughter. Her face was so amusing and pained I had to bring up my hand to my mouth to suppress myself from giggling.

"Yes, but hurry back,"

I then stood up and looked over to the teacher, remembering Ellie's note.

"I have to go too." Mrs. Reynolds raised an eyebrow and looked skeptical between the two of us, and I almost thought she would tell me to sit back in my chair.

"Can you hold it?" She asked, folding her arms.

I shook my head and she pointed towards the door. I uttered a quick thank you as I passed her and rushed outside the classroom, close on Ellie's heels.

"What's the problem?" I asked, as soon as we distanced ourselves down the hallway.

"I can't last another second inside there." She walked to her locker and threw on her backpack. "Jake and I are skipping. You want to come?"

I rolled my eyes, "You know I can't skip school. I can't afford to fail the test this week."

Ellie put her hands together into a prayer form and dropped to her knees.

Pleeassee!" She implored, while pretended to wipe a tear.

I glanced across the hallways, worried a teacher would be around. "No—just gosh, shush. I'm not going." I crossed my arms across my chest.

"But it will be fun," She encouraged. "You know, Kara, you really need to start listening to me. Maybe then you will be more daring. Your such a goody-two-shoes," She teased.

I scoffed, "I am not."

"Yes, you are. And to prove that you're not, just come with us. You won't get in trouble, trust me."

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