--Chapter 1: Introduction.--

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All characters in this story are made by Kōhei Horikoshi and DO NOT belong to me.

The writing / fan fiction of the story line belongs to me.

[Simple background: the story sets in UA, Izuku is in Class-1A, he has One for All, except all might is dead, and his mother is.. find out more below..]

[How it all started]

Izuku was initially born quirkless in this hero like society. His father, Hisashi Midoriya, wanted his son to have a very powerful quirk, which Izuku did not get. On his 4th birthday, when his quirk was supposed to come, it didn't.. to say his father was angry would be an understatement. The man was absolutely furious, the young Greenheaded boy had no clue what was going on as they drove back home, silence filled the car, both Inko Midoriya [Izukus mom] and Hisashi Midoriya [Izukus dad] stayed quiet throughout the ride.

After a 30-minute drive home, they arrived. They entered as usual, but there was something odd about the atmosphere, like a disaster waiting to happen. Inko came up to Izuku and ushered him to his room.

Inko: "Izuku, to your room, now." The woman spoke harshly to the young boy, he was young, and did what he was told, he soon went up to his room, entering and laying down on his bed, playing with his figures of All Might. He was paying no mind to anything around him, that is.. until he heard loud yelling and banging coming from the living room. As the curious boy he is, he got up from his bed and quietly walked down, peeking to see what was going on.

The situation in the living room was horrific, Inko and Hisashi were having a fight, and there was broken glass on the floor, alongside Inko's head bleeding from a small cut.

Hisashi: "I've had enough of you and that useless brat of a son! He couldn't even get a damn quirk!" The man yelled, his face furious.

Inko: "H-honey, h-he's probably just a late bloomer..!" The woman exclaimed, hoping to calm the situation down.

Hisashi: "There's no "late" in quirks, you stupid excuse for a wife! The doctor said he won't get a quirk. It's as simple as that!" The man yelled even louder than before. He soon walked over to Inko.

Hisashi: "I'm leaving you and that useless brat, don't ever, EVER, think about contacting me again!" The man yelled. He grabbed a small bag he seemed to have prepared already and walked out of the house, slamming the door behind him, leaving Inko absolutely shocked.

Inko: "This is all his fault.. his fault, all his fault!" She practically yelled, the boy [izuku] that was hiding behind the wall, was backing up, tripping as he hit the floor.

Inko: "...." She turned around, spotting the terrified Greenete. "This is all your fault, you worthless piece of shit..!" Inko yelled, making the terrified boy in front of her flinch.

Izuku: "M-mom..?" He asked, terrified of the situation. He tried backing up from the raging inko.

Inko: "You destroyed everything... you made your father leave.. why couldn't you be like Bakugo?! Answer me, you piece of shit!" Inko said as she leaned down to the boy, grabbing him by the collar and slapping him straight across the face with brute force. The boy cried as his mom threw him to the floor.

Izuku: "M-mommy..!" He said as loud as he could, which wasn't that loud, the boys cheek was red and his back was hurt from the impact of the fall of his small and frail body.

Inko: "Dont ever call me that you brat!" She said, kicking him hard in the ribs, practically sending him across the room as he hit the wall, coughing. "Go to your room, and don't even think about any DAMN FOOD THIS WEEK!" Inko yelled, her words having a sharp edge to it.

Izuku immediately rushed to his room, barely picking himself up from the wall. He got up, and tears were dripping down his cheeks alongside the blood on his back and stomach. Once the small greenete entered his room, he went to his bed, laying down and covering himself in blankets as he lay there, crying silently, afraid to be heard.

It was like this for izuku all the time, he gets home from school after being bullied, he does all the work before his mom arrives, once she does, she beats him partially to death, and gives him food only once in a week if she's in a good mood.

[Current time, izuku is 15 and in UA, his mother only allowed it since he got a quirk and the schooling was free, he is in class 1-A, everyone in the class is the same just as in the anime]

[This was only a small introduction to understand what type of story this is. The next chapter will go around the said above]

Word count: 810

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