Chapter 8: i got you

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Emily sat at her desk, her phone in her hand, her heart still heavy from the barrage of mean comments she had received on her Instagram post. She knew that online criticism was an unfortunate part of social media, but the comments had taken her by surprise and left her feeling vulnerable.

With a deep breath, she decided to reach out to the one person who had always been there for her, the one person who could offer comfort and understanding – Jordan. She sent a message, pouring her heart out.

"Jordan, I don't know what to do. There are so many mean comments on my post after you commented. I feel anxious and overwhelmed. 😔"

Jordan received the message and immediately sensed the distress in Emily's words. She replied with a reassuring tone, "I'm so sorry you're going through this, Em. Remember, those comments don't define you or our friendship. You're special to me, and that's what matters most."

Emily appreciated Jordan's words of comfort, but the anxiety still gnawed at her. She sent another message, "It's just... I didn't expect this attention, and it feels like people are prying into my personal life. I don't want that."

Jordan understood Emily's concerns and wanted to support her in any way she could. She replied, "I get it, Em. Sometimes, the best way to deal with this is to make your account private. It gives you more control over who can see your posts and comment. It's okay to protect your privacy."

Emily considered Jordan's advice and, after a moment of hesitation, made her Instagram account private. It was a decision that brought her a sense of relief, knowing that she could share her life with those who truly cared about her.

With a sigh of relief, Emily sent one final message to Jordan, "Thank you, Jordan. Your support means everything to me. I'm grateful to have you as my friend."

Jordan's response was swift and filled with warmth, "Anytime, Em. We've got each other's backs. Don't let the negativity get to you. You're stronger than that."

As Emily looked at Jordan's message, she felt a renewed sense of gratitude for their friendship. Jordan had not only comforted her but had also given her valuable advice on navigating the world of social media. With their bond as strong as ever, Emily knew she could face whatever challenges lay ahead, both online and in life, with Jordan by her side.

The training ground at Aston Villa was abuzz with activity. Players were running drills, coaches were giving instructions, and the atmosphere was charged with energy and anticipation for the upcoming matches. Jordan Nobbs stood on the field, engaged in conversation with her teammate, Rachel Daly.

As they took a break from their training routine, Jordan decided to share something personal with Rachel. She leaned in closer and spoke in a low, confidential tone. "Hey, Rach, I wanted to tell you about Emily, my friend. She's the one I've been hanging out with lately."

Rachel, always attentive to her teammates, raised an eyebrow in curiosity. "Emily? I don't think I've met her. Who is she?"

Jordan decided to open up about Emily's unique situation. "Emily is deaf. She communicates using sign language. We've become really close friends, and I've been learning sign language to better understand her. She's an amazing person, Rach."

Rachel listened intently, absorbing the information. She had always known Jordan as a supportive and empathetic teammate, and this revelation only underscored those qualities. "Wow, Jordan, that's incredible. It's really great that you're putting in the effort to communicate with her. What brought you two together?"

Jordan smiled as she thought about her friendship with Emily. "We met at a cafe not long after I joined Aston Villa. I saw her sitting alone, and we struck up a conversation. We've been friends ever since. She's shown me a whole new perspective on life, and I'm grateful for that."

Rachel nodded in understanding. "It sounds like a special friendship, Jordan. I'd love to meet Emily sometime."

Jordan's eyes lit up with enthusiasm. "That would be great, Rach. I'm sure she'd love to meet you too. She's an amazing artist, and she loves spending time with Lily, her little sister."

As they resumed their training, Jordan couldn't help but feel grateful for the support and understanding of her teammates like Rachel. She knew that her friendship with Emily was something unique and precious, and it meant a lot to have her teammates acknowledge and appreciate it.

Silent Bonds: Jordan Nobbs' Aston Villa JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now