Chapter 18 - Blue Eyes

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3rd Person

"So.. Any news on Vecna?" Hopper spoke up, and everybody looked up at him.

"How do you know about Vecna?" Dustin raised an eyebrow.

"Joyce told me." He told them, and he nodded.

"Have we figured out a plan on how to kill him? Or..?" Joyce looked around, and nobody seemed to have an answer.

"I have a plan." Nancy spoke up.

Mike felt Wills hand go cold, and his eyes widended.

"Don't say it." Mike looked her dead in the eye, his glare scarily cold.

"Why?" She looked at Mike, who looked terrified.

He sighed and gently tilted his head towards Will.

Will looked up at her, and his eyes were a bright blue.

His face was expressionless, which sent shivers down Nancy's spine.

She looked down at his hand, which was stabbing the food on his plate quite aggressively.

"I-I just remembered, it wouldn't work anyway.." Nancy muttered, keeping eye contact with Will.

"What? But I thought it would work-.." Lucas cut himself off when he saw Will's head shoot in his direction.

"N-Nevermind." He whispered, looking at Will's change of eye colour.

"What the hell is going on?" Hopper looked around at everyone, before he noticed Will's aggressiveness.

He looked at Will, who's glare was now focused on his food.

"Will, you alright kid?" He asked him cautiously.

"I'm fine." Will's voice spoke, but it was a bit more deep and distorted.

"What the fuck." Joyce muttered, her eyes widening.

"What." Will's head shot up, and she gasped.

"Nothing." She mumbled, turning her head to face Hopper.

Lucas signalled for Mike to take Will out of the room, and he realized this and spoke up.

"Uh, Will. We think we have a plan on how to attack Vecna but the planning is in the living room, wanna go see?" He spoke and Will's head immediately turned to him.

He nodded quickly, so Mike took his hand and led him out of the room.

"Does anybody care to explain what the hell just happened?" Joyce looked around the room, and Lucas sighed.

"We-.. We think he's possessed." He told her, and she immediately panicked.

"No, no way. We got that thing out of him!" She looked around, but everybody was just staring at her.

"We think when Vecna attacked him, he didn't try to kill Will. He needed a spy." Nancy explained, and Joyce was appauled.

"And nobody told me sooner!? I need to get him out of my boy!" She got up, but Jonathan got up and stopped her.

"We want it out of Will aswell, but he's more dangerous this time. We walked in on him and Mike and he had a knife inches away from Mike's face." Jonathan told her, and she was bewildered.

"Well what the hell do we do?" Joyce spoke, her tone frustrated.

"We don't know. But we need to do something because if we don't we won't be able to destroy Vecna." Jonathan sighed, and Joyce slumped back down in her seat.

"So Will is going to be stuck like that? What happens when my boy is gone? What happens when it's only that thing left in him?" She asked everybody, and every body just looked at her.

"I'm leaving. I'll be upstairs if you need me." She muttered.

She got up and walked away, whispering to herself.

"...Well that went well." Robin sighed.

"Yeah." Jonathan grimaced.

"Holy shit!" They all heard Mike yell.

Everybody exchanged glances, before running into the living room.

"Will, sweetheart, put it down." Mike spoke softly, careful to not anger the boy even further.

"What the fuck!?" Hopper yelled, and Will's head shot towards him, his oddly bright blue eyes glaring at Hopper.

"Shut the fuck up." Mike hissed, before gently touching Will's arm.

"Will. Put it down." He looked at the smaller boy, whos eye's where now flickering.

Will looked at his hand, which had a large shard of shattered glass from a flower pot, and lowered it away from Mike's face.

"Thank you. Now move your arm." Mike took Will's hand in his own, lowering it.

"W-Why was my arm there?" Will whispered, and as he looked around everybody saw that his eyes had turned back to brown.

"..You were possessed."

guys i am SO sorry for the shitty and slow updates its been hard cls of schlol startig 😣😣

{Word Count: 735}

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