Passed out

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{ your pov }

I was currently in bed sick. Chris was in the room with me to make sure that I'm doing ok. Me and Chris was just talking when I had to go to the bathroom.

"Hold on I need to go to the bathroom"

"Ok, take your time"

He said as he smiled at me. I then got up out of bed and walked upstairs. I walked into the bathroom doing what I needed to do. When I walked out I felt a bit dizzy.

So I leaned up against the wall for a second. Matt and Nick was in the living. Nick looked back at me.

"Are you okay y/n?"

I then looked over to Nick snd nodded my head. As I got off the wall and took maybe 3 steps before I blacked out.

{ Chris's pov }

I was downstairs when on my phone waiting for y/n to get back. When I heard Nick scream.


I quickly turned off my phone and rushed upstairs to see y/n laying on the couch with Matt right next to her.

"What the fuck happened?"

I asked rushing over to y/n

"I don't know she just passed the fuck out"

Nick had said

"We need to get her to the hospital"

Matt had said in a shaky voice. I then ran downstairs grabbed my phone and called 911.

After about 5 minute the ambulance got to the house and put her on the stretcher. We then rushed out of the house and to the hospital.

Once we got there we went to the waiting room. We all sat there patiently for the doctor to come to us.

{ skip 1 hour }

The doctor had walked into the waiting room


We all then stood up

"So we got y/n awake now. Turns out she hasn't been eating or drinking anything. Do you guys know anything about it?"

I then shook my head no.

"Ok. One of you are allowed in at a time"

I then stepped forward and he took me to the room y/n was at.

{ your pov }

I had woke up in the hospital with iv's in my arm. I got looking around a little bit when I see someone walking in. It was Chris.


I said quietly with a weak smile

"Hey, how are you feeling?"

He asked sitting down next to me and grabbed my hand.

"Pretty tired and I feel weak as shit"

I said looking at him

"Listen you need to eat and drink you had me, Nick, and Matt worried sick"

"I know I'm sorry"

"It's okay just don't do it again, okay?"

I then nodded my head and he got up and kissed my forehead. He then walked out and then Nick and Matt took their turns seeing me.

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