The first day

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Just yesterday they arrived in Mondstadt City and had just checked into their hotel rooms, Kazuha, and Ayaka had no energy left. As soon as they get to their rooms they both passed out on their beds, though their companion is full of it and left as soon as she checked in.

"It's gonna be great I'm so excited!!!" Yoimiya said enthusiasm filled her voice. The other 2 is still questioning how she has this much energy after an 18 hour flight but there's no stopping her from going anywhere.

Ayaka smiled and said groggily, "Well you can go explore the city but I don't I can go with you."
Kazuha nodded in agreement with her as he too felt like he could pass out on the floor any second now.

"That's ok you 2 go and rest for the day," she smiled.
They reached their rooms which are conveniently next to each other. As soon as Yoimiya set her stuff in her room she bolted out the door. Once out of the hotel she sees the dandelion seed being carried by the gentle wind all across Mondstadt, children cheerfully wander the street without a care in the world. "So this is Mondstadt City huh," she said out loud her eyes sparkled as the dandelions keep flying across the city.

"Sure is, it's beautiful isn't it?" A voice said, "I take it it's your first time here?" She turned to her right to see a boy with braided dark hair beside her his eyes were closed so she's not sure what it would look like, maybe his eyes are grey like Ayaka's, she thought, he smiled and continued, "welcome to Mondstadt! I'm venti a university student, I study music. Since it's your first time here I can take you around if you'd like."

"You'd do that? Thanks a lot!" She smiled. "Me and my friends are visiting! But they were so tired from the flight the passed out in their room, so I'm exploring by myself."

He directed his head to face the baby blue sky, opening his eyes to admire it, those eyes were the prettiest shade of green, it shine like emerald in the sun light, it really mesmerized her. "Your eyes are like emerald you know that?" She asked, he looked at her surprise by the compliment.

His smile soften as he spoke, "Well thank you, no one had said that before so I'm just quite surprised! Shall we start our tour?"

"Yesss!!! How could I forget about that?" Yoimiya said excited as ever.

"Yeah lets go!!" He said matching his energy with hers

Venti told her all about the tourist part and when to take her friends there, but he never brought her there because, 'it will ruin yours and your friends experience if I were to take you there now,' was what he had said, nevertheless he taken her to Angel Share to enjoy a few sweets.

As they walk there he tells her things about The Angel Share, "The Angel Share cafe was once a tavern long ago, but as things change so does the city and the staff very proudly say how happy they were about the cafe's history. Once inside the smell of freshly baked pastries hits you, it's not overwhelming in fact its somewhat faint but you know it's there!" he continues, "might I add their apple pies are the best! they're my personal favourite! You should try one."

"Oh I can't wait to get there now! It sound like somewhere my friends would like to go," she said.

Venti replied with something anyone would've said, "definitely take them here tomorrow then!"

It was just like everything he said it was cozy and smell extremely pleasant, it's perfect for working or studying well most people here are doing those things anyway. Once their orders were taken they continue chatting.

"So your still in highschool, planning on going to university afterwards?"

"I'm not sure yet since my parents own a firework shop so I can take over after highschool, so I'm not worried."

"That's quite nice, not having to worry about your future job, I'm just pursuing my dream of being a musician you know? My parents never really approved of my career but they still try to be supportive which I'm glad."

"Your parents seems so nice! Have you made any songs? If so can I see them pleaseeeee??"

"Of course I've made a few song here and there you can find me quite easily just look up my name on Spotify!"

Their desserts arrived and it looks so good, Venti ordered himself apple pie and Yoimiya tried their cheesecake, theres no other word to describe it but delectable! It's the best cheese cake she had in a while. Enjoying their dessert and drink they continue to chat about anything and everything they could thing of, from school to music, decorations, fireworks, books, and even video games. They get along so well people would thinks they've been friends since childhood! As they chatted away losing track of time, in what feels like minutes to them have actually beens hours and the cafe is closing, so they says their goodbyes and went on  their way. Once Yoimiya get back into her room she fall asleep right away exhausted from the day out.

yay! another chapter finished its currently 2 am 😭
also put like all my effort into describing venti cuz im bias i love him so much.
I hope u like this chapter i will be working on the next one uhh soon.

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