Plus one - Aj

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(I recommend playing the song i put when i mention it to give you guys an idea)
(Jemima POV)
Today i decided to go over to Chunkz's house unannounced because one, i can and two, i'm bored and have nothing to do right now and only Chunkz's can cure my boredom. i mean he is my best friend.

I went and knocked on the door expecting Chunkz to open it but it someone else.

(Aj POV)

I was home alone chilling today when i heard a knock at the door, which was weird since i didn't expect anyone to over today.

I went over and opened the door to reveal a girl. I recognised her instantly. Jemima. Now, see, i have had a crush on Jemima for so long. she's everything i want in a girl. But i've never had the courage to ask her out and also because Chunkz was overprotective of her.

"Oh, hey Jem. What are you doing here?" i asked.

"Hey, Aj. Is Chunkz here?" she asked.

"Nah, he's doing Chef Asylum. You can come in and wait for him to come back if you want."

"Yeah, sure." She said walking in.

(Jemima POV)

I walked inside and sat on the sofa. Now, let me not lie now. I've had a crush on Aj for ages. But i've never had the chance to spend time with him because i'm always with Chunkz. But i guess him not being here is a blessing in disguise.

Aj walked back in and sat next to me.

"So what do you wan to do now that we have time to kill?" he asked me.

"Um, we could watch a movie." i suggested.

Aj agreed and put on a movie for us to watch.

We were sitting close to each other but not that close. I took the bold approach and moved closer to him. He took that as an opportunity to move closer to me and wrap his arm around me. i got instant butterflies.

I gently placed my head on his head and wrapped my arms around him. At this point, we were basically cuddling and it was so cute.

Im the middle of the movie, i just fing myself staring at him and adrimiring him. He turned to look at me and i quickly turned back to the TV. I hear him chuckle and whisper to me.

"You're supposed to be watching the movie."

"Well, you can't blame me when there are better things to look at." i say, flirting. Me and Aj usually have a couple of flirty moments here and there.

"Oh. really?" He says, turing to face me.

"Really." i reply, turing to look at him. we share eye contact for a few moments and at this point, our faces are literally so close to each other. He began to lean in and so did i and when i think we were gonna kiss, the sound of the front door unlocking echos.

Me and Aj instantly pulled away and move away from each other so no one gets any ideas. My heart sank. I really wanted to kiss Aj but that can be another day.

(Aj POV)

Me and Jemima was about to kiss each other when someone came through the door and ruined our moment. We pulled away and moved away from each other.

I really wanted to kiss her but that's until another day. Chunkz came into the living room and saw me and Jemima.

"Hey Aje, oh hey Jem. i didn't know you were here." Chunkz said,

"Yeah. I came like an hour ago for you and you weren't here so i decided to wait for you to come back, so me and Aj were hanging out. And, before you get any ideas, we didn't kiss." Jemima replied.

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