-Chapter 2

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Chapter title: Spending free time

Normally once Razor leaves home you finish your house work and go out yourself, heading to the library and help and chatter with lisa then explore Mondstat to further some of your knowledge sometimes going to liyue, Today wasn't any different aside from the fact that Razor has a huge free time to spend, but who does he spend it with? welllllll, 50% with everyone of his friends in Mondstat and the other 50 with you, he helps you explore and you help him study and teach him how to cook so he doesn't need to rely on lisa, jean, diluc, barbara or even diona to cook for him when your away you even made a little recipe book so he doesn't forget, then you also visit his wolf family but returning to the main flow you chuckle watching razor trying really hard to solve a few riddles in the library "Want me to help you Razor?" you ask as he shakes his head "No thanks Mom" he replies, it warms your heart to know the fact that razor is comfortable calling you mom now, lisa then comes back to the library with long overdue borrowed books exhausted, she probably scolded a ton of citizens today she puts the books aside on her desk there and heads down sitting on one of the chairs at your table, razor doesn't notice lisa since he's focused on his riddle solving "I take it you scolded many citizens today?" you ask lisa as she chuckles "you bet." "I just wish people would return the books they borrowed" lisa says frustrated "well at least that's done" you reply "your right" lisa replies with a smile, then looks at razor "would you look at that, it seems someone's super busy to the point he forgot to greet his teacher." Lisa says as you nudge razor on the shoulder making him flinch and get caught off guard closing the book startled before noticing lisa, "Oh- Teacher I'm so sorry!" razor says a guilty smile on his lips, lisa chuckles "it's alright what are you doing anyway?" lisa asks as razor sighs and hands lisa the book as she examines it, "oh? Riddles?" she says as razor nods, "he's been fixated on that since he started reading it" you chime in with a chuckle "ah no wonder you've been so focused" lisa says "i'm having trouble with one of the riddles actually.." razor replies "why didn't you ask you mother for help then? she's literally beside you" lisa asks "He quote on quote Doesn't Want me to" you say, lisa raises a brow "oh? is that so?" lisa says as razor nods "have you figured it out then razor?" lisa asks as razor shakes his head "nope" he says as you look at razor with a smile "do you want my help now then?" you ask as razor looks at you and nods "yes please mom" he replies, Hence then you both start to solve the riddle and lisa joins in as the three of you solve many more riddles.

Authors note:

My apologies on slow updates! i am trying to update this more often! i hope you enjoyed this chapter tho! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2023 ⏰

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