The War -part two

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3:41 PM

Mina has disconnected from voice chat

Kirishima speaks 'shit- Mina'

Kirishima has disconnected from voice chat

Shouto and Jirou speak at same time 'he's gone' 'we lost him'

Koda made a rude hand gesture at the sky here

3:59 PM

Uraraka speaks 'who was that, I'm following'

Asui speaks 'so am I'

4:02 PM

Uraraka speaks 'few just an old lady... oh shit Toga'

Asui speaks 'I'm here'

Uraraka speaks 'you deserve whatever's coming for you Toga'

Uraraka has been disconnected
Asui has been disconnected

4:23 PM

News broadcasters displaying Gigantomachia's rampage through Japan stop, Gigantomachia has stopped

Todorokis speaks 'shit.. the league on his back'

Todorokis speaks 'No. no. No, no, no nonono. Tou..ya...'

Todoroki speaks 'Endeavour MOVE, FATHER!!, DAD!!! MOVE!!!, GET OUT OF HIS-'

Todoroki has been disconnected

Shinsou speaks 'fuck- no Shouto!!'

Iida speaks 'I need you all to listen. this is war, we're all in danger especially at this battle field. I'm sorry but we may need to say goodbye to some classmates- things aren't looking too good'

Iida has been disconnected

Class 1-A has disconnected - whether by choice or not, they're off  voice chat.

*About two days later*

The ✨Trauma✨chat

Acidfordayz: while I am incredibly grateful for it, I can't believe we're all still alive -or that I'm allowed my phone in the hospital, or that it still works

Rockhard: same

Rockhard: on all parts

Electric: my phone didn't work, I got this one for free though, contact purposes

Electric: I can do whatever I want on it though

Emoears: dang UA is rich

Floatingfree: nope. This is the commission

Froppy: they replaced all broken phones with new ones, since we're minors, and they used quite a bit of loopholes to get us involved on the first place

Floatingfree: I'm glad they did though my phone's better than before

Froppy: you had a flip phone babe that's not a high bar

Floatingfree: I know 😥

*A couple days later*

The Trauma Chat With Class 1-A and ShinsouWhere stories live. Discover now