george weasley imagine

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𝓲𝓶𝓪𝓰𝓲𝓷𝓮 - happiness can be found even in the darkest of times (if only one remembers to turn on the light)

𝔀𝓪𝓻𝓷𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓼 - fluff, wedding, crying, mentions of the war, mentions of the death of fred

𝓭𝓮𝓼𝓬𝓻𝓲𝓹𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷 - it had been ages since george had been as happy as he was on the day he married the love of his life mrs y.n weasley even though he didn't have this partner in crime, fred, to be his best man 

𝓪𝓾𝓽𝓱𝓸𝓻'𝓼 𝓷𝓸𝓽𝓮 - this is sort of an expansion to the headcanon that i just posted of 'life after the battle of hogwarts would include' since i included the engagement and wedding of y.n and george weasley at the very end. if there are any, flashbacks will be in italics and everything else written in regular font and it'll be written in lowercase 

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it seemed like this day had just jumped upon you and george. just yesterday, it had been a whole year since he had gone down on bended knee at the burrow in front of everyone and asked for your hand in marriage. meaning, it had nearly been two years since the battle of hogwarts and the death of his twin brother, fred. with all those upsetting memories and annviersaries so close to you and george's wedding, you thought it would possibly hinder the happiness and joy you two would have at and for your wedding but, that was further from the truth. 

the whole month leading up to your wedding was the happiest you had seen george since he first came out of his grief slump and the joy seeing your soon-to-be husband's joy was magical for you. you always wanted george to be happy even though you knew it would be hard because all of his happiest memories included and were centered around being with fred because fred was in every single happy memory of george's, even the ones that included you included fred.

 however, you could tell george was trying so hard to remake those happy memories as well as make new ones because you had actually, alongside hermione, researched and found out you could stop conjuring certain types of magic, a patronus, being the main one after the loss of someone. and you just knew that every single time george conjured his patronus, a magpie, that the happiest memory he thought up of to conjure it had included his twin brother and best friend, fred. so it worried you that because of this devastating loss and huge hole in his heart and soul that george may never be able to conjure up a patronus again and that quite frankly scared you. because, as you both knew very well, patronuses were quite powerful in protecting their conjurer and you didn't want george to lose his patronus. but, realistically, you knew that george may never conjure his patronus ever again and you had to deal with that and help him through that. 

at just after midnight on the eve of your wedding you were looking through your muggle wedding planner, thanks to hermione, when you felt a light touch to your shoulder, "...hey, georgie, whatcha doing?" knowing it was your fiancé without even looking at him as george sighed in upset that he couldn't surprise you anymore 

sitting down next to you, he smiled, "just wanted to see you before we wed and i couldn't sleep...whatcha looking at?" george muttered and then questioned after lifting his head off your shoulder 

"our wedding planner that hermione gifted me. it was her parents' wedding planner but, she emptied it out and erased it so we could use it for ours and obviously, we started using it. i just can't believe we're getting married later today..." you smiled, your voice an octave higher due to your excitement as george yawned 

you two were trying to not  see each other for the whole day of your wedding until the actual ceremony but, in the early hours like really early hours george couldn't stand it anymore and knew that you'd be still awake in the loungeroom of the burrow. so, he decided to try and as quietly as possible, join you for a few minutes if not a half hour before going back to sleep.

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