'I love stars' (Jegulus)

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'I love stars' This was the saying that James has had on his shoulder since he was 6yrs old

Soulmate marks appear somewhere on your skin the day you turn six, its what your soulmate says first says when its you birthday

James woke up with his he didnt know how many seconds minutes or hours it had been there all he knew was that he should learn alot about the night sky

________ 1st year
When James got on the train to go to hogwards he met someone named Sirius, he thought it must've been his soulmate, Why? You may ask, well Sirius was named after a star and the mark  on him said 'I love stars' they became friends and James found out a week after they met that Sirius was not his soulmate

When he met Lily Evans he was covinced it was her from that momment she insulted him

________ 2nd year
Y'know Sirius had a brother but it was very unlikely that they were soulmates because Regulus was something James coudnt describe and he just wasnt the type of person to say out loud that they love/d something or someone

________ 3rd year
James tried to ask Lily out on dates or just say a few words but the answer was always 'no' he didnt give up tho there was still this chance that it might be her

________ May in 4th year
It was may and James enjoyed it it was almost summer and he'd see his parents again, it was good news.
Lily rejected James again, but this time it was permanent How so?, Well Lily said the words 'I love stars' but the ink didnt glow it just stayed like that a black void, he was sad that it wasnt Lily but since it was not her who could it be?

________5th year present
It was September 20 he was out at the astronomy, he wasnt commiting anything he just felt sad he hasnt met his soulmate, And Sirius ran away that summer covered in scars from curse'

James was looking at the map and say a Black brother nearing him he quikly closed the map and tried to find his invisibility cloak but he left it some where at the stairs. Fuck he thought
Regulus opened the door and saw a stag, "what the" he said loudly, Reguls started walking up to the stag and pet its head +antlers, "How'd you get here?" Regulus smiled at James in stag form his heart melted and wished it was him

Regulus slapped James in the face and his walls came back up "Ow" groaned James "Potter, y'know being an illegal animagi can land you in prison" Regulus glarred at James as he said this

15minutes later
"Uhm yea i know" James replied "Why are you here Baby Black?" "Call me Baby Black one more time Potter your head will be chopped off" said Regulus "Right sorry sorry, what are you doing here this late?" Asked James "Doing something well was but ill leave now" said Regulus

1month later
"Hi Reg!" Beamed James grinning
"Glad to see you here again" James continued "Reg?", James tried to look at Regulus but Regulus just turned away from him, "Love?" James asked, "J-james why are you always here is it because Sirius sent you here" he sniffeled "No, Regulus he didnt" "Then why are you always here?" "I-i dont know", Regulus heart broke a little when James said he didnt know it was just like he hoped about something.

2weeks later
"Regulus your back" pointed Evan, "what?" "Oh" Regulus said, "Ev what color" he asked "its gold" Evan replied

Hogsmade (3hrs later)
"Hey Regulus what does your soulmark say?" Asked Dorcas "i've never told you?,  it says 'wait a few more minutes about this book', funny aint it-" "his mark glowed like 3-4 hours ago" cut Barty "WHAT" yelled Dorcas, Regulus looked at him questioning "Sorry as you know my soulmates is Marlene ^they nodded^ and i was spending time with her in gryffindor tower i kinda heard someone say 'wait a few more minutes about this book" Regulus eyes widdened "did you hear by who" Regulus asked, Dorcas shook her head

________6th year
Its two months in James 6th year, Remus was trying to forgive Sirius and James beemed at the improvement

Lily and Mary got together after finding out they were soulmates in a game of truth or dare a few weeks ago, he was happy for the both of them

Peter got with Benjy Fenwick (ravenclaw) he was still wondering how they found out they were soulmates but ehh

Marlene has been with Dorcas since last year and James became friends wit her *her = Dorcas*

Alice and Frank were now out of school, both of them are now doing professional quidditch

James was glad for everyone and everything thats happening in there lives, still the secret he hasnt shared to anyone exept his parents

A week later
"Hi" said Regulus as he saw James enter, "i've got a question" said James, Regulus nodded confirming he can ask it, "wouldyoustillbefriedswithmeifitoldyouiwastrans" James said fastly "Relax James, and yes i would still be friends with you if you were trans" James hugged Regulus with that asnswer

"Can i ask you something too?" Asked Regulus, James nodded "What does your mark says?" "Thats the question?" Said James, Regulus nodded "Says 'i love stars' ^Regulus smiled^ i know star like you"said James "I mean °I love stars° too" Regulus starred at James as he said this and James shoulder started glowing. *kiss* *kiss* *kiss* James giggled as Regulus did this James looked at Regulus and he nodded, James and Regulus kissed

________7th year
James has been over the moon since he got with Regulus

Sirius and Remus got together last december

Walburga and Orion died a month before summer break last year

Regulus and Sirius started to reconnect

And ofcourse all of their friend groups know there togther now, Sirius chased James for an hour straight *gay really*

________after hogwards
James was in the bathroom puking his guts out for the past 5 minutes "Jamie you okay" asked Regulus "F-fine Reg"

He was hanging out with Lily, she said that he should take a pregnacy test
James gulped but agreed

It had been a week since the coversation with Lily and he finnaly bought one
James screamed in horror and happieness when he saw the possitive sight

He told Regulus a few days later and they were so happy

________a couple years later
Harry was turning six today and the soulmark was on his chest it said 'green is better than yellow'

The end or smth i dont know

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2023 ⏰

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