16• Tears Of Shame

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Disclaimer: (I own no parts of the song mentioned in this chapter. Full credit to the artist.)

"Nice to meet you, I'm Reene."

Yes. She's right here. In front of me. Live and in the flesh. Kai's girlfriend, and the reason we keep fighting.

"Nice to meet you too." I can feel my lunch coming up my throat for a second appearance.

Kai smiles before suggesting we sit, and I can't help but scold myself for thinking he wanted to end our night in a peaceful way. Of course, he pulls shit like this. Why are we both in the same room anyway? Was it not his wish for me not to know who she is? what the hell is even going on anymore? 

"After my calls went unanswered for so long, I didn't expect you to show, much less with company." She looks to me. "Care to tell me why I was being avoided like I have the plague?"

"What other reason could there be besides you being annoying." Kai says, much to my shock. Is that any way to talk to one's own girlfriend? But then come to think of it, Dean did mention that he seems to be falling out of love with her. Oh Lord! Please don't let this be him breaking up with her and claiming we are together, I pray.

"You know, I was genuinely worried about you. Don't even get me started on how your mother kept blowing up my phone, asking how you're doing. But of course there you were, Mr big shot, ignoring each of my calls."

She's already even met his family. And from the way they talk, it's easy to see that they've known each other for a very long time. Part of me begins to feel guilty for being a catalyst towards the upcoming break up. Yet, a bigger part of me is mad at the dumbass who's leaving this fine lady for someone who doesn't even care. So stupid!

"I'm not a kid. I don't need to check in with her, or you every now and then. Isn't that the definition of independent?" Kai asks. Okay, this is quite the weird conversation.

"Oh! So you think you're a big boy now, huh?" She retorts.

This is starting to get a little nauseating. My instincts are starting to kick in, and they're screaming out "leave." As I begin to ponder, the waiter who seems to have been standing here the entire time clears his throat.

"Sorry to interrupt but, are you going to order anything?" His eyes wonder around in a panic. Probably from the deadly look Kai is giving him.

That's right. This was supposed to be dinner. It feels like so much has occurred in the last few minutes. Not to mention how long ago today feels already. Our argument in the car, the beautiful day we had, it all seems out of reach. I shouldn't have gone along with all this. I should have known better.

"What will you have?" Kai asks, snapping me out if my thoughts.

"Whatever you're having." Reene looks at me suspiciously. What's wrong with her? Oh, wait! Damn! I said I'd have whatever Kai's having. That is such a couple thing to do. I can't let her get the wrong idea.

"I mean... I doesn't really matter. I'll have anything." I stutter, bringing a hint of amusement on Kai's face, growing the suspicion on Reene's.

"Okay, she will have whatever I order."

They both order the food as I continue to search for a reason as to why I'm still here. Although I have to say, these two have quite a strange relationship, in the sense that they're the oddest couple my two eyes have ever seen. and I've seen my parents. They most certainly haven't used any cringe names referring to each other, nor has this conversation taken any romantic turn. As a matter of fact, they've been arguing since they saw each other. They still are.

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