91 - Angel and the rumors

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Golden Week ended, and it was time for school again. The moment Amane entered the classroom, he heard a ruckus, and was increasingly perturbed.

It was common to see a commotion in the classroom right after a holiday, when people would talk about the souvenirs they bought. The commotion on this day however was different from usual.

Instead of a discussion of what happened during the vacation, it appeared they were discussing rumors.

Amane put his bag on his seat, and pricked his ears―It appeared they were talking about Mahiru.

"I heard Shiina-san went out on a date with a really handsome guy."

"Maybe it's the guy rumored at the start of the year?"

"She said she's not dating, but..."

Amane's face twitched the moment he heard the word 'date'.

Though he had somewhat expected that he would be spotted, he never thought this topic would be a hot one through the entire classroom.

The girls chatted rumors as they looked towards Mahiru.

It appeared Mahiru had not noticed it, or perhaps she did, but ignored them. She was preparing for the first eriod.

Her dignified, innocent look remained one of much attention, but the stares towards her on this day were filled with much curiosity.

"H-hey, Shiina-san."

One of those girls seemed to have resolved herself as she spoke to Mahiru.

"Erm, Shiina-san, a few days ago, I saw you with a man at the shopping mall."

"Yes, that did happen."

"Are you dating you?"

She's a warrior to dare ask Mahiru head on, Amane thought as he watched. He was worried, and Mahiru merely blinked away.

It appeared Mahiru would respond in her usual angelic mode.

Yes. She probably would deny it with an angelic smile, if it was the usual her.

"I guess it was a date, if we consider the definition of one."

One had to wonder what Mahiru was thinking when she actually admitted it.

The definition of a date was basically an appointment between male and female. She was right in this sense...but there was no way the girls would actually follow that strict definition.

KYAAAAAAA, hysterical shrieks followed.

No matter the occasion, females always loved to gossip passionately about others. Usually, Amane could watch them from afar and just dismiss it as them being able to talk, but he could not do so this time as he was the party implicated.

"Shiina-san, you're dating that man? It's the first time I heard of it!"

"We aren't dating, but he is the person most important to me!"

As shrieks and squeals escalated, Amane's gut started to wince.

Mahiru was not lying at all. Amane knew she really treasured him. However, she was not stating the exact facts, but rather, the situation that could be understood in many ways.

The moment Mahiru did so, there would be rumors that she liked that man. Mahiru merely smiled as she saw these excited girls however.

She glanced aside at Amane, showing a non-angelic smile. Amane clutched his forehead, looking happy, embarrassed, while suffering from gut pain.

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