My Best Friend- Toy Bonnie x Shy!Kid!Reader

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The little [H/C] haired girl stood behind her mother, shyly. Her eyes gazed at the children running around laughing having a good time, but she was to scared to join thinking they would turn her down. "[Y/N] honey, go play for while till we order." Your mother said you looked up at her still standing behind her, your grip on her leg tightened she sighed "Don't be scared, your father and I are right here. Go play and make some new friends sweetheart".

She pushed you gently, making you stand infront of her. You looked up at her once more "Go on." She smiled you looked at the crowd of children by the stage suddenly a man walked up there taking the microphone from its stand, "Girls and boys! All ages! Young or old! Bring your hands together for Your furry friends, Toy Freddy!" Just then a light brown Bear with rosey cheeks and a black bowtie with a matching top hat came out.

You didn't take favorite into bears, they were to frightening to you, seeing how big they were compared to your tiny figure made you fear them. "Hello kids! Ready for Freddy?" The bear said all the kids answered in union "Yes." Expect you.

"So this is for the girls, Who is yellow and loves to party?" Said the man holding the microphone, you had no idea since this was your first time coming here. You then heard the girls scream "Toy Chica!!" Suddenly a yellow chicken came from behind the curtains as she join Freddy on stage "Let's Party!!" She said holding a cupcake in her hand, you didn't like her neither, once you gotten close to a chicken when you were at your aunties farm, you tried to feed it but it bitten your finger, ever since that day you had a grudge against chicken's.

"And last but not least! Toy bonnie!" You heard the man say a blue bunny joined the stage with the two other toys. You tried to get a better look since you were far away from the crowd of kids, you walked by a table and hidden behind a chair looking over it.

You smiled, "She looks nice" you whispered to yourself judging by the eyelashes and purple eye shadow it was a girl. "Let's rock kiddos!" The blue bunny said you then were confused, it looked like a girl but sounds like a boy, "Maybe its a boy, with make up?" You whispered but then smiled.

"Either way, he's still my favorite now." You said thinking about when your kindergarten teacher from last year brought in her white bunny for show and tell, She called you up reminding you it was your turn to feed it. You were afraid at first thinking it would bite you, but all it did was nibble the carret as you held it. You couldn't stop smiling after that, you just loved bunnies ever since.

"Who wants to hear a song?" Said toy freddy, the kids screamed "Me" you just stayed quiet. Toy reddy began to sing as Chica joined in, what really caught your attention was the sound of a guitar. Your gaze went to toy bonnie, you seem to stare at him the hole time as they sang. After a few minutes Toy Freddy announced they be taking a break back stage. As the curtains closed your excitement grew.

'I wanna see toy bonnie again!' You thought, you seen kids trying to get in the backstage but there parents or security guards stopped them. You needed a plan, one that wouldn't get you caught. You looked around to see if your parents were in sight, luckily they were far away. You began to walk by the bathrooms you turned to see the side of the curtains, you smiled in victory and climbed on the side of the stage, then you saw them.

They seem to socialize not noticing you, then your shyness took over. You hidden behind a prop, looking at the three toys. your gaze turned to toy bonnie, he was talking to toy for Freddy "These kids sicken me, there all just brats" said toy Freddy you then thought 'well that's not a nice thing to say at all'.

"Yeah, snot nose rugrats" toy Chica laughed Freddy joined, "Guys that's horrible stuff to say about innocent children." Toy bonnie glared at the two. Chica sighed "Maybe your right.... Said no one ever" she laughed you just wanted to punch her at that moment 'She's such a meanie!' You thought "If I ever get my hands on a child here I'd rip them apart right in front of there mommy and daddy."

He laughed, you felt your body stiffen hearing that. 'Maybe I shouldn't be here' you thought as you walked back about to turn around and leave, but you tripped on a pile of rope, you fell down making a loud thud.

'I hope they didn't here m-' you were cutted of by the sound of metal footsteps coming closer to you, you stayed quiet. Just then a brown furry hand grabbed you from your shirt and lifted you up in the air. "lookey what we got here, a eavesdropper" said toy Chica, you squirmed in toy Freddy's grasp. "She heard everything I bet" said toy Freddy, "Then she already know what's going to happen to her" Toy Chica smiled evily.

"Freddy she's just a little girl let her go" said toy bonnie, Freddy looked his way with a death glare "And who the hell put you in charge!? Last time I checked it was Freddy fazbears pizza, not toy transgendered pizza." (I have no judgment towards transgenders ^^ )

"Freddy-" "shut the hell up I said!" Toy Freddy pushed toy Bonnie to the ground, you felt your blood boil with rage. "HEY! Leave him alone! Remember you were dealing with me! Not him!" You shouted defending toy bonnie. Freddy turned to you and growled "Why I 'otta-" "[Y/N]!! Where are you!?" You heard your mothers voice just then toy Freddy letted you go, you closed your eyes waiting for the the impact but it never came.

You opened one of your eyes seeing toy Bonnie caught you in his arms, you seen toy Chica and toy Freddy were gone.

"[Y/N]!" Your mother shouted as she ran to you taking your figure from toy bonnie, "oh [Y/N]! You worried me sick!" She hugged you tightly. She looked at toy bonnie "Did that" she pointed toy bonnie "do anything to you!?" She questioned "Mom! That's rude! His name is toy bonnie and he did nothing to me, I came here to see him! He's my favorite! And my new friend" you gotten from your mothers gasp and hugged toy bonnie.

"[Y/N] I said make 'real' friends" you looked at bonnie, "I know, and I did what you asked. Toy bonnie is my favorite! My best friend! I love him!" Toy bonnie blushed as you hugged him closer snuggling his figure. You mother sighed, "Well its almost closing time hun, so say bye to your friend and let's go." She took your hand and walked away with you, you looked behind yourself and waved to toy bonnie, he waved back smiling.


This has to be the longest one shot I ever did! It says I written 1,230 words

Woah 0v0

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