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Calamity echoed through the house, giggles erupting from every corner as a five year old Ami and a three year old Isla ran through their house, trying to escape their dad who only wants to give them a bath.

"Girls come on, you both are so dirty. If you go in the bath now, you can have a cuddle from the baby!" an older Harry reasoned, that's the only way he knew how to make his daughters go in the bath, bribe them with cuddles.

Madeline then walked in, a small, blue bundle resting in her arms; "Ami, Isla i would hurry up he's going to bed soon and you both can't have cuddles if you don't go in the bath!"

Seeing their newborn baby brother, Logan, looking all cozy and ready for bed made them jump in the bath as fast as they could, Isla almost going face first, fully clothed into the pile of bubbles.

Twenty minuets later the girls bounced, all clean, ready to have pre- bedtime cuddles from their brother.

Placing the baby in Ami's arms, a pillow underneath, Harry and Madeline stood back, admiring their three perfect kids, love evident in their eyes.

"We did good," Harry spoke, wrapping his hands around her waist.

"Yeah we did, i love you," Madeline replied, never once taking her eyes from her kids, just incase.

Quickly, they shared a kiss full of love and passion, not too much since their kids were right in front of them.

"Right, time for bed!"

a/n: and it's over! thank you all so much for the support on this it means so much to me! and thank you Book_Lover_Halle  for helping me do this i couldn't have done it without you x

Hope you all enjoyed Madeline and Harry story as much as i loved writing it x

To Love ~ Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now