"Seoyun! You walk so slowly!" Jisung complained as he waited by the door. Seoyun glared as she finished packing her things and meeting him.

"Be quiet, Ji. I punch you."

"You can't even hurt a fly."

"Anyway, I didn't get to show you another flower I found! I have it pressing right now, so I'll show it to you tonight. It's so pretty," Seoyun said excitedly.

"Oh, I forgot about that. I made plans with some guys I became friends with. I'm so sorry, Seoyun," Jisung said, hanging his head down.

"It's alright. You're literally over every other day. You need some more friends."

"I'm your only friend, too, Seoyun."


"Never," Jisung said, playfully shoving his friend.

"So, what are you guys doing then?"

"Just hanging out. Don't worry, I won't take them to the abandoned house."

"Bro, we've fixed it, and you still call it abandoned. It's not abandoned if we own it. It's not my fault it was hidden on my parents' property."

"I know, I know."

"It's small at hell, too. Teeny little thing."

"I know."

"I'll probably look for more flowers to add to my press book tonight. They'll be ready to show you in class tomorrow!" Seoyun said excitedly as they made it to their next class.

《Anyway, I'll be making the chapters longer as I go, I promise》

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