Seoyun walked around her backyard, finally deciding to grab her bag and go into what Jisung calls the 'abandoned house.' It needed just a few more things done, and it'd be done.

"I guess I'll rewrite that checklist since I keep losing it. Maybe I should leave one there and keep one with me." Seoyun spoke softly as she grabbed her notebook, press book, flashlight, pens and markers, and phone charger. She also quickly grabbed some bottles of water and a couple of snacks.

Without a word to her tired parents - she just left a note as always - and headed silently out the door.

The sun was getting close to setting, but Seoyun knew she had enough time to make it to the house before dark. Thankfully, she convinced her dad to help bring electricity working there again.

Seoyun walked silently, letting her mind wander to what she needed to save up for next.

"Paint. I need to paint." Seoyun said, stopping in her tracks as the house came into view.

She pulled out her notebook as she walked up the steps.

"To-do list, underline number 1; buy pain - preferably a light grey. Number 2: curtains. Number 3: get running water. Number 4: get furniture fully moved in." Seoyun read things out loud as she wrote, finding it easier to keep her train of thought.

She was almost 18, which meant she'd be given the title of this house from her parents.

At the time, it was unknown to the two friends that there was a small house on her parents' property. Her parents knew and thought it'd be fun for their daughter - turn it into a little getaway for her.

It became more than that. It's not just a getaway; it's her future. She couldn't wait.

She's already accepted into a college pursuing her favorite hobby. While it isn't specific to it, she's excited nonetheless.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2023 ⏰

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