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Tomas was burning with anger, he looked so bothered and kept pacing to and fro the office. He couldn't go down and they couldn't come up to him. For a second he thought of taking the risk and going down after all she was worth it. It won't give the shop a good name when people hear a girl was employed in their shop and on her very first day got stuck in the elevator and... he couldn't even think about it.

From time to time the other workers called and updated him on how far they'd home with the work. The only thing was that the shop's engineer wasn't in town also and was taking time to come. Jake was asked to supervise everything though they were others present who were actually higher than him in rank. Tomas just felt like he could be trusted. This time, Jake called and informed Tomas that the engineer said he wouldn't be able to make it else they are able to wait for about 10 hours. That was too much time to keep a lady in an elevator.

"So what did you guys agreed on at last?" Tomas asked. Jake was confused by the question.

"Nothing? Just that sir." He said in an unclear voice.

"What?! What if she's harmed? Now listen, no harm... when I say no harm she mustn't be harmed else you all and infa t including me would be held responsible and I won't want to ruin my reputation that way and you're sure you don't wanna face my wrath so better look for a way to fix this." At that, he ended the call and slumped on his recliner chair.

Jake heaved a sigh, he called the engineer,Amorth and they discussed. "Ok, or why font you send one of your boys?" Jake suggested. '' please o don't wish to face the wrath of manager Tomas please, do something."

"Alright, I'll send someone." Amorth agreed and ended the call.

In no time a guy who claimed up have been sent by Amorth arrived at the barbershop. He introduced himself as Jim and started work as soon as Tomas got informed.

Well it wasn't an easy job for a learner but they'd to do all things possible and impossible to get her out. She meant a lot even in her first day.

Tomas fell into do much rage, his mind not settled a bit. He waited and waited for a call, at least one call to be informed that she was alright. He thought about what the director would do when he comes to know about this. He wouldn't be happy at all and that could cost them all their jobs but he'd be most affected given how much he was trusted by the director. He kept on looking at his phone. It was getting to an hour she'd been in there and Hell knows what she's going through there.

After a moment or two, the director called. Tomas didn't pick thinking it was someone else but later decided to at least check the dialer. He was surprised to see director Leo Hayd Christensen calling. He lost breath for sometime and after few seconds regained himself. He picked the call and slowly placed it on his left ear.

"H-hello sir."

"Hey, How's everything going there Tomas?" Leo asked.

"Fine." Tomas managed, they discussed for a while until Leo had to leave.

Lewis struggled still inside the elevator, she pressed an emergency button continuously that sent an emergency message to the lift department in other to inform them she was stuck. Soon after they got the message, manager Tomas was informed and the lift department sent an engineer in no time.

It was not as difficult as they thought it'd be. The engineer worked for a while with assistance from the lift department.

The elevator have no sign before it ascended with fill speed up the 16thfloor and Lewis fell, her head hitting the floor hardly and her vision blurred as her head throbbed on pain. She soon started feeling dizzy and nodded off.

Tomas got a call of the improvement and was told to go to the elevator to await it's arrival. The elevator reached the 16th floor but unconscious Lewis was unaware, Tomas rushed in as soon as the door opened and took her in his arms to the medical room.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2023 ⏰

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