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Yang twitched and turned silently on the bloody padded floor. It was hard to move at all when Yin was asleep, mostly due to the fact that each of them only had one arm and one leg. Of course, Yang was overwhelmed by frustration and rage because of their situation. He'd only stopped clawing and screaming at the door a good 3 hours ago. Now, he was sprawled out, looking up at the incandescent light on the roof. He listened to the hum of the blinding ceiling lamp, the light blinding his eyes as he groaned and shifted up into a sitting position on the floor. 

His left eye stung, dry and itchy from the amount of time his eye has been forced open. His face burnt from the open wounds all over the side of his body. The urge to scratch his wounds was growing unbearable. But, he resisted, knowing well that he would just hurt himself further. He sighed lowly, as he stared at the door, his vision invaded by the radiant blobs floating around in his eyes. He growled, rubbing his right eye, before looking over at Yin.

He was still asleep, a fearful expression on his face as he mumbled and twitched in his sleep. His right eye was red and dry, his inhumanely stretched eyelids twitching as tears desperately ran down his face in his body's attempt to keep his eye moist. Yang's expression turned into slight repulse at the disgusting scene. Yang never understood how he could laugh at the sight of death, and then turn around and want to vomit at any sight of blood on his brother. It didn't make sense to him. Or, it did. He just didn't want to admit that he knew why.

Yang looked to the floor. He was bored out of his mind in this place, and doing almost anything hurt both him and Yin. As if he could care less that Yin would be hurt. He was focused on the fact he was in danger right now. The skin where the two of them were melted together stung and burnt. He could barely even think due to the awful sensation. He wanted to be able to think again. This felt like the only time he could have a mind of his own. Yet life always has other plans for him. It was unfair.

He heard a soft moan come from his brother, as he immediately turned to look at them. He stirred in his sleep, his left eye opening slightly. His mouth turned down as he felt the pain kick right back in now that he was awake. He murmured something, as he shakily sat up. Yin looked, in a sense, worse than Yang. It was amazing he wasn't bursting into tears like he had been yesterday. Yang stared at him. Blood was forming in his right eye, dripping down his face like tears as they covered the already dried up eye that laid in his inhumanely stretched socket. 

" Good morning, Yang.. " 

Yin spoke softly, his voice tired and pained. Yang narrowed his eye and scoffed, about to cross his "arms", only to remember that he only had one arm. He just growled in frustration, slamming his hand onto the padded floor beneath them. 

" Bad morning! It if were a good morning, I wouldn't be in this stupid asylum room... thingy! "

Yang exclaimed, clenching his fist as he raised it, before punching the padded floor, causing him to bounce lightly from the impact. Yin stared at Yang with a look of sympathy and regret. Regret for making them keep waiting for "MePhone" to come, even after things grew heavily suspicious. He looked away, sighing. 

" I am... sorry, Yang. If it weren't for me, we wouldn't be in this mess. "

Yin's eye softened as he reached a hand out to comfort Yang, only to have his hand slapped away swiftly, a small scratch being caused by the sharp claws of Yang's fingers. Yang shook violently, staring at Yin with an enraged, hateful glare. The kind of glare to make his heart drop into his stomach.

" Yes! It's all your fault! If we just never went to that stupid cave in the first place, we wouldn't be in this stupid mess! I can't believe you were so- stupid! I hate you! "

Yang yelled at him, blinded by rage, as he raised his trembling hand to slap Yin again. Yin's eye widened, and he quickly put his hand up in a pathetic attempt to defend himself. The harsh tension in the air was practically suffocating. Yang kept his hand up in a long pause. He stared down at his weak, pitiful brother. Tears threatened to form in Yin's eyes, his body trembling as his hand desperately tried to hide his face. Yin was miserable in this state. How had things changed so quickly? 

Hell. Would they ever come back from this?

" Yang... "

Yin watched as Yang started to shake violently, tears beginning to well in his eyes. He inhaled shakily, as he turned to look away from his brother. Yin's eyes slowly began to soften, watching Yang scratch at his leg with his claws and whine, blood starting to draw from the wounds. He made small noises of pain and sorrow, his breathing hitching as he tried to muffle his sobs.

" I-I don't want to be here... "

Yang cried, wiping his tears, his nose bleeding because of the hot, dry air of the room. Yin watched as his older brother wept, his heart tugging with empathy. He looked to the side for a moment, before looking back at Yang, his eye soft and sad. He reached out for Yang's face, his hand gently grazing his cheek, causing him to shiver and look at Yin.

" I don't want to be here as well. ...But... it's going to be okay. "

Yin had no idea what to tell Yang. He didn't know if it really was going to be okay, his words intended to comfort not only Yang, but himself. Yang trembled, his hand about to reach for Yin, only for the two of them to be interrupted by the calm opening of a door. Yin turned swiftly, hissing in pain due to it.

A MePhone stepped in from the entrance, holding two trays of food in their hands, as they silently walked over, causing Yang to crawl back a few feet and narrow his eyes, gritting his teeth threateningly as Yin dragged himself over next to him to ...

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A MePhone stepped in from the entrance, holding two trays of food in their hands, as they silently walked over, causing Yang to crawl back a few feet and narrow his eyes, gritting his teeth threateningly as Yin dragged himself over next to him to escape the stretching pain.

The MePhone didn't say anything, only set down the trays of food next to them and hover right back out of the room, locking the room up. The two brothers stared down at the food. Surprisingly, it was at least appetizing. Yang sniffled, before groaning and wiping his tears up, as he picked up a fork.

" Yang, we'll get out of here soon, okay? "

Yin tried to ease Yang's mind with those words.

" Don't say that, you don't know anything.. "

Yang scoffed, shoving some of his food into his mouth. Yin closed his eyes and sighed, before starting to eat as well.


" 911? Uhh, Orange Juice. I want to report someone- err, two people as missing. "

OJ paced around the room, tapping his arm before squeezing it as he listened to the police officer at the other side of the phone. He spoke the address of the hotel, explaining the situation to them as he gripped his arm tightly. Paper watched OJ with concern, helping him with some of the information he had to give as well. OJ's teeth gritted against one another as he watched the cop cars start to pull up to the front of the hotel. 

" OJ, it's okay. "

Paper walked over and patted OJ on the shoulder lightly. OJ sighed, and smiled at Paper before getting up from his chair and walking out of the room in order to speak with the police outside. Paper followed him from behind.

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