Sleepover | Yantao

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Fluff, friends to lovers
Yantao ( Yanfei x Hu Tao)

Is it normal to have a crush on your best friend? That was a question Hu Tao found herself asking a lot when she became friends with Yanfei.

It was easy to like Yanfei, well that's what Hu Tao would tell herself. She always admired Yanfei, sometimes she admired her a little too much.

Which is why, she didn't know what to do when she was invited to a sleepover, by Yanfei. It was going to be just the two of them, at Yanfei's house.

She knew she was definitely going, that was for sure. But spending a entire night with Yanfei gave the director butterflies.


Everything was going well. When Hu Tao arrived Yanfei immediately gave Hu Tao a hug, a hug that seemed to last a bit longer compared to usual.

Hu Tao noted that at first, but eventually brushed it off. Surely she was just overthinking things.

Yanfei enthusiastically took Hu Tao's hand and lead her inside, making sure she closed the door behind her.
For the first few hours into their sleepover they chatted about random things, catching up a bit sense the last time they saw each other.

Realistically it was only 2 days ago but to Hu Tao it felt like she hadn't seen the legal advisor in centuries. Her thoughts trailed off, not registering half of what Yanfei was saying as she talked about another annoying client.

'Taotao?' Hu Tao was instantly pulled back down to earth. Yanfei ,who was previously on the other side of the couch the two were sitting on, was now right in front Hu Tao.

Hu Tao had been facing the side of the couch Yanfei was at, her back leaned against the arm rest. A million thoughts were racing through her mind it didn't help that Yanfei's hand rested on one of Hu Tao's knees.

'Taotao?' Yanfei seemed a bit concerned, it was normal for Hu Tao to daydream but her face looked red.

' Oh yeah, sorry I'm alright continue with what you were saying.'
Yanfei hesitated, double checking to make sure Hu Tao was ok before she continued on about her stupid client.

Hu Tao stared into Yanfei's emerald eyes as Yanfei ranted. She could easily get lost in Yanfei's eyes if she wasn't careful.

Both the girls realized they were hungry a while later. And in true sleepover fashion, they decided to try and cook something together.

They decided to make tofu curry, it was simple enough and Yanfei had more then enough tofu in case they somehow messed up on the tofu.

It only took them two tries to make non-burnt tofu curry. Both of them continued to talk as they ate, Hu Tao was amazed at how passionate Yanfei was when it came to the law, it seemed like she could talk about it forever.

When the both finished, Yanfei put the plates in the sink. For the next few hours they played games, specifically chess but Hu Tao would randomly make up her own rules or try to do something to get a laugh out of Yanfei.

After the last round, both realized they were tired. Hu Tao helped Yanfei clean up and then they got ready to go to sleep.

Hu Tao assumed she would be sleeping on the couch, but she was shocked when Yanfei led Hu Tao into her room.

' My bed has plenty of room for the both of us!' Yanfei stated.
She was right, but still the thought of sleeping in her crush's bed sent Hu Tao crazy.

Still, she climbed into Yanfei's bed, hoping she could fall asleep quickly.
But she was so wrong.

At first she felt herself drifting off to sleep, but she felt something poke her. She knew what it was, one of Yanfei's horns.

One of the many things she admired about the legal advisor were her horns, she often wondered what they felt like. She quietly moved a bit so she wasn't being poked by Yanfei's horns.

It took a while but she suddenly felt like she was going to sleep. But then, she felt a hand a little bit below her chest.

It didn't seem to grip her, it just laid there calmly. Slowly, Hu Tao looked behind her.

It looked like Yanfei was practically big spooning Hu Tao. The director froze, what was she supposed to do?

Hu Tao tried to be as stil as possible, sleep felt impossible. But somehow, around the early hours of the morning, she fell asleep, being in the arms of someone she loved brought a sense of comfort to her after she got used to it.

When she woke up, she felt the same hand that had startled her last night brushing through her hair gently. 'Your hair is so soft Taotao.'

Her face turned bright red almost immediately when she heard those words. She carefully turned around to face Yanfei, their eyes interlocking.

' Sorry if I startled you I didn't mean to-'
Before Yanfei could finish her sentence she felt the director cuddle up to her chest.

Hu Tao felt one of Yanfei's hands rest on her waist, it was oddly comforting. What did this mean though?

Hu Tao didn't care to think at the moment, she felt so warm, so comfortable, it felt like pure bliss.

I know I write a lot of Yantao but I love them and they're adorable. But just in case a few of my readers don't like Yantao that much, I'm thinking about making a book dedicated to Yantao scenarios I come up with. Thoughts?

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