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September 17th

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September 17th. 4 PM

After dropping Yua off and returning home, Alec waits for him in his office. The room is dimly lit, casting long shadows across the polished mahogany furniture. Alec hunches over his desk, intently studying a series of documents before him. His expression is grave. Adrian sits across from Alec, his curiosity mixed with a growing concern. "What's going on, Alec?" he asks, his voice low.

Alec doesn't waste any time, his fingers tapping on the documents. "The Santiago situation is getting bad," he begins, his tone serious. "Word is going around about Yua, and we think he has eyes on her." Adrian's brows furrow in worry—Don Santiago, a name always shattering his spine.

"What kind of word?" Adrian inquires, his mind racing with the possibilities. Alec leans in, his voice dropping even lower. "Talk about Yua's connection to you. Some of our informants have mentioned that he's been asking questions to learn more about her." Adrian clenches his jaw, a surge of protectiveness washing over him. Yua was his most cherished person, and the thought of Santiago barging into her life made him mad. "I need to know everything, Alec," he says firmly. "What's the extent of his interest, and do we know why he's fixated on her?"

Alec nods, reaching for a folder and handing it to Adrian. "These are the reports and surveillance logs we've compiled so far. It seems like Yua's presence at the ball raised some eyebrows, and Santiago may have taken a particular interest in her after that night. As for the 'why,' we're still digging, but he sees some value in her." Adrian flips through the documents, absorbing the information. "Keep a close watch on her, Alec. I don't want Santiago near her," he instructs, his voice laced with determination. Alec nods in agreement. "Consider it done, Boss. I'll assign a few more agents to monitor her movements discreetly. And we need to tighten security around her, just in case."

As Alec leaves Adrian's office, a growing sense of unease gnaws at him. The Santiago family's interest in Yua could spell trouble, and he knew he had to do everything to protect the woman he cared for. Suddenly, his mind raced back to what almost happened in the office. He wonders how far it would have gone if Alec hadn't interrupted them.

 He wonders how far it would have gone if Alec hadn't interrupted them

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Yua sighed as she plopped onto her bed. The name of Don Santiago repeated in her head. Why did they have something out for him? Questions raced to her mind before a noise from her phone shut them off. "Going out for dinner, you in?" She reads Jos' message out loud. I mean, she had nothing else to do. She typed a quick agreement before getting up; she looked at her outfit. Black biker shorts and an oversized parka. One of Adrian's. She shrugged and left with her phone and wallet. Their regular place, Denny's, was within her house, so she walked there. As the sun set, she saw more people emerge from the shadows. Men in black suits eyeing her. "Fucking weirdos," She says loudly in her mind as she gives them dirty looks.

Yua looks for their table as she walks in. She spots Isla with her brown curly hair and immediately goes to the table. She sits beside Isla, who starts sniffing her. "Why do you smell like lavender..?" She asks, curious. "It's cause she's been hanging out with her new boyfriend~" Sienna says in a flirty tone as Jos gives Yua a raised eyebrow. "Boy?? Yua?? Not even in another universe" Isla says in disbelief. "Are you talking about Adrian?" Jos asks Sienna, and she nods really quickly.

"ADRIAN?!" She whisper-screams as her fork clatters against her plate. "Like, Adrian Ricci?? Or Isabella's older brother Adrian?" Isla asks. "Yeah, like Yua would date one of the Carozza brothers." Sienna says, almost starting an argument with Isla. As they continue bickering, Yua interrupts them. "Okay! Yes, it's Adrian Ricci, so what?" Yua confesses. "SO WHAT?! SO HE RICH AS FUCK AND HOT-" Jos covers Sienna's mouth before she gets too loud. "She has a point; he's untouchable to everyone, except for you" Isla says in a flirty tone at the end of her sentence. "Ew! Don't even bring that up" Yua gets defensive.

"And stop looking at me like that Jos! You're not my brother you cant control what I do" She says to him, slightly aggressive. "What if he's just trying to take advantage of you?" Jos asks. "Why would he take advantage of me?" She asks back, defensive. "You know how it goes in those weird wattpad stories Sienna reads, the guy always goes for the girl that doesn't pay attention to him. You have never batted an eye at Adrian until now." Jos explains. "Hey! They are not weird-" Yua cuts Sienna off "This is not a weird wattpad story" Yua states.

"Did he buy that for you?" Jos asks gesturing to the bracelet on her wrist. "Yes..." She admits. "Hm okay" Jos responds dryly. "AHHH ITS SO CU-" Sienna screams out before Jos covers her mouth again. "Is it impossible for you to be quiet?" He whisper screams at her.

im lidewally bweaking the fowth wall wight neow

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 I hope u have a good day/night; stay safe and remember to drink your water <33


 tiktok: writtenbydxsire

See you next time!

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