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"Test number 12..." I spoke to myself before I took a bite from a cupcake that I was hoping to see in my bakery. The bakery is a work-in-progress itself, but there is nothing wrong with trying to come up with new things so that people would continue to come back for more. This is my twelfth try getting this cupcake to be perfect, but it's still not perfect!

I groaned and tossed the cupcake into the trash. I looked at the batch that it came from and I frowned at the sight. I picked it up and I threw away each failed creation. I then groaned out of frustration and put my head down.

"He's now growing upset over his cupcakes," I heard someone say and I popped my head up to see my mum on the phone. I have been staying with her for the week since Main Event was too far from my current home (apartment). I live about 30 minutes away from the place, so I just crashed at my mother's so that this drive would be a little less straining.

"Who are you even talking to?" I asked and all that she does is shake her head. Even though that doesn't tell me anything, I decided to not pry. She says a quick goodbye to the stranger before fully putting her attention on me. I just looked in the trash can and I then looked at my mom. "None of those were good mom. I need them to be perfect..." "Do they really need to be perfect?" She asked and I nodded my head. "I can't risk failing something like this. It's my own business... and what if they end up hating it?" "Well that's their loss sweetie. I'm sure that those cupcakes are completely fine," she says and walked to the island to take a seat.

"Aren't you going to this lock in anyway? You need to get ready. The cupcakes can wait," she tells me and I look at her. "But... what if they're there?" "Then you should talk. It wasn't just your own selves that you needed to work on. You five needed to work on each other as well. Try and see where things went wrong." "I want them to be proud of what they see mum! Wouldn't pursuing your own business be pretty impressive?" "I think they would be more proud of your attempts to do so. They would be moved to hear that you are making something out of your desires. I know I am," she says.

I smiled at her and I thanked her. "Now I need you to go and get ready okay? I'll clean up here, okay?" "I guess I will... I'll be back to help out though." "Nonsense. When you are done, I want you to make your way over there," she tells me and stands up from her seat. She left me with no room to argue with her either. She was already shoving me out of the room, so I sighed and started to make my way to my room.

Let's see how this goes...

Let's see how this goes

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"Oh my freaking god... how do I even look?" I asked my friends as we were sitting in a booth together. "Niall... you aren't going on a date with them. You are just going to possibly see them," Gabe says and I looked at him. "But I still need them to want me. No matter what stage you're in, having them stare at you is a pleasant feeling," I tell him and he rolled his eyes. "Should I have dyed my hair again?" "No darling. Brown looks good on you. Your outfit is amazing. You are being you and that is perfect enough," Sarah reassured and I looked at my outfit of choice.

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