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I looked at the directions that Harry gave to me this morning and I told him that I would be there a few hours later, but that is obviously not the case. I wanted to surprise him for one. Also, I just got from my late mother's grave, so I wanted to find comfort as soon as possible. What better way than to visit the first man that I truly fell in love with. My Harry.

"Not bad...." I spoke to myself as I was stepping out of my car. I made sure that I was in the visitors parking lot so that no annoying ass people will bug me about it. Probably will still come around eventually, but that is so not going to happen today. I'm sensitive right now and if I get annoyed, then I really don't know what I would do.

I walked up two sets of stairs before I walked down the hall, looking at each door before I reached Harry's door

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I walked up two sets of stairs before I walked down the hall, looking at each door before I reached Harry's door. I was about to knock when I heard the door behind me open up. I turned and saw a stranger stepping out of their apartment. "Excuse me, but who are you?" He asked as soon as his door closed. I sighed, but chose not to respond to the man. "Harry didn't say that there would be people visiting him." "So he tells you everything that happens in his life? Because if I know him like I do, Harry doesn't just open up." "Well he confides in me whenever he feels off." That's when my confidence died a little. Because there was a chance of that happening. We have only started talking again a few days ago.

But he should've known... should've known that I'm all open ears when it comes to him.

"Now again, who are yo-" the door behind me opening interrupted this man's question. Which so happens to be Harry's door. "First off, I don't tell you shit. I tell you to leave me the fuck alone every single time. I don't confide in anyone unless it's my family, my therapist, or someone who I love, like him. It's not your business to know who he is. He's here to see me, and that's all that you need to know. Not his name, if we're seeing each other, or where he fucking parked. Now go on about your business and leave us be," Harry says and I looked behind me to see Harry, shirtless and wet hair.

I looked at the neighbor and I saw him frowning, but he then grew uncomfortable and walked away. I turned and saw Harry giving him a glare as he was walking away.

"I'm sorry about him. He's never like this when other people visit." "Were they family?" "For the most part, yeah." "Then that's why. He would be able to tell." "I guess that's true. He probably thought that he had a chance for a while now. Then a heavily attractive man comes to my door, and he grows insecure." I smiled at his compliment. He then stepped to the side and I walked inside.

"I'm also sorry about not being properly ready. I thought that yo-" he was interrupted by my hug. He stumbled a little, but I felt his arms around me, holding me tight pretty quickly.  "Are you okay?" I asked, voice cracking in the middle. I felt his hand rub at my back soothingly and I felt a light kiss at the top of my head.

"I'm okay Lou. There is nothing that you need to worry about," he says and I looked up from the hold. "I'll always worry about you Harry. There is nothing that is going to stop me from doing so either. Even if we despise each other, I can never even joke about not caring about you," I confess and he smiled down at me. He pressed a soft kiss to my forehead and boy did I wish that it was my lips...

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