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My life has always been simple. Predictable. I prefer it that way. It keeps me safe and comfortable. I wake up, get ready, go to school, walk home through the same path I take every day in the woods, do my homework, eat dinner, go to sleep and repeat. Four days a week though I train with the pack.

I've always been a loner. Mostly my fault though. I don't know why but friends have always been hard for me. Hell, at 17 as of yesterday, I've never had a boyfriend, never been kissed let alone had sex. People have tried to get to know me but after a couple weeks they decided I was "boring". Oh well.

I know I'm pretty. I've been told many times. I just don't think me being pretty has much to do with anything. People should want to get to know me based on my personality. Who I am. Unfortunately being a werewolf, things become superficial. It's all about how strong you are, how handsome or pretty you are, and who your family is. If you're an omega, forget about being first choice in anything.

Lucky for my family, my fathers our Alphas beta. Because of his title people also don't mess with me. Well also because most know im talented in a fight and lose rarely. I also have a dominant wolf. She also likes the solitude of being alone. She believes everyone is below her. It cracks me up when she bickers to herself.

I have a couple rules though. 1) keep head down, out of trouble. (Which is hard when werewolf's are hot tempered and love to start shit.) 2) graduate high school with honors in order to get into whatever college that gets me the hell out of here. The people here are all superficial, cliquey, and straight cruel to those they believe below them. On top of that with the alpha still not being mated at the age of 39 makes all the unmated females even the ones still in high school go crazy. From throwing themselves at him, make them physically stronger to gain his attention, almost anything the be the Luna. As for me, I give less than a shit. Sure he's attractive, hell sexy even. But that's really all he is. I don't care to talk to him or care to know him. From being the betas daughter I see more than I would like. I've seen the way he yells at my father, talks about his pack. I've even seen him kill a werewolf just for talking to him the wrong way. For lack of better words I do not like my alpha. I would never say that out loud though. I always keep a tight lip.

I've barely talked to Alpha Ashwood. Every time he's been in our house or on the land doing his alpha duties, I make myself scarce.

Like today. I knew Alpha Ashwood was patrolling today from my father mentioning it this morning on the phone. So instead of stripping and running as my wolf I decided to go on foot and take a well known path that the alpha wouldn't probably check out. Or so I thought.

This path is beautiful this time of year. With fall in full swing, the leaves now take on a calm red and orange. For werewolf's 56 degree weather feels more like 75 degrees. It doesn't stop me from wearing my off the shoulder maroon knit sweater with insulated black leggings and  black and white converse. With my curly auburn hair flowing down my back almost touching my butt, the cool air whips it back as I walk. I was so entranced by the beautiful trail I almost didn't pick up on the slight break of a twig, 50 yards out. This was intensional though, werewolves are trained in not making a sound. My thoughts confirmed with a black werewolf as big as a horse step out of the brush blocking my path. Theres only one wolf his size and color.

Alpha Ashwood stared right at me. I stared back, almost bored. I forget to dip my head in respect for minute before showing my submission. With my head bowed showing my neck, I hear the familiar crack of bones.

After the transformation is done I push myself forward moving around a very naked Alpha Ashwood. This is new for me. He has never shifted in front of me before. Well he's shifted in-front of the pack when he was showing his dominance.

As I think I'm about to pass him, his strong body steps in front of me. This includes a very large appendage connected to strong pelvic region and strong legs. It only takes me a sec to snap my head up to meet his face smirking back at me.

" you seem to have a death wish." He says with a taunt in his eyes.

I have absolutely no idea what he's talking about. "I'm sorry?"

Tilting his head and squinting, " Walking by yourself knowing there's been an increase in rouge attacks, plus I know you don't submit because of my power but you do it to blend in. I would like to know why? You may think you blend in and don't grab attention but little wolf your like a bright light in the dark."  It's almost as if he's trying to figure me out with different intentions in mind. That did not sit right with me.

" There are perfectly clear and easy explanations for every point you've made....Alpha" I say with the same squint indicating I don't back down. I'm most likely digging a whole for me. I also can't look down knowing damn well how big he is now.

" I would love to hear them...Betas daughter." He's goating me. I can tell with the hint of amusement in his eyes.

"First I'm not much of a people person, I can also defend myself very well. You know quite well considering I've beaten everyone in our mandatory matches. In addition I'm an excellent tracker. Second, you're well aware I come from a dominant family. So my lack of immediate submissions shouldn't be a surprise. And third I know I stand out I just don't give a shit. Now if that is all Alpha I'll be on my way." I step back and push around him. Before I can take two steps a strong hand wraps around my arm stopping me abruptly.

"I'll be watching you." Before I realize he takes a loose strand of hair in my face and brushed it behind my ear. And just like that he shifts and runs off into the woods.
What the fuck?

I was so frazzled I didn't even realize I made it to my house till I was at the back porch. ( one branch of the path leads to my backyard. Which is why I love the path) I slide the door open only to hear my father angrily talking on the phone. As I make my way upstairs I catch the tail end of the phone call. " I told you no! You can't have her!" With that he throws the phone across the living room.

Weird. My father rarely loses it. It's not my business so I go to my room.

I get through maybe a hour and half of my homework when I hear my mother walk through the door. Which is not common. As a nurse at the pack hospital during a time of constant rouge attacks, it's weird for her to be home before 7. It's only 5. At that and now I also hear a loud "what!?!?!" Coming from my mother. And now a full argument. It seems to be about who ever "her" my father was talking about.

My parents don't fight, like ever. As soon as it started it ended so I guess it was resolved.

Finally finishing my homework for the week even though it was Tuesday, I smell food downstairs. It's only 6:30 which is perfect. No raman tonight!!

I run downstairs ready for hot dinner, when I see my mom though it looks like she's been crying as she's been making dinner.

"Hey mom, you ok?"

With a gasp she turns around"What? Oh yah honey I'm ok." She turns back around and focuses on what looks like chicken and mashed potatoes.

"Mom. I know something is wrong. Is it someone at the hospital? Did someone die?" I don't like seeing my mom cry.

" I just.... I just can't" she brakes in to a harder cry and makes it past me and to her room without making eye contact. Luckily the plates and dishes and the table just needs set.
I set the table accordingly and call for my parents. But they don't come.

"Mom, dad! The tables set!" My father is the only one the enters the dinning room. He looks angry but trying to hide it. I see right through him though. I don't want to ask and make dinner uncomfortable.

" is mom coming?"

"No honey. She's not feeling good right now." He says with a sad tone.

" is it someone at the hospital?"

" just drop it ok." and that's that then. I don't push further. Hmmm

Dinner went by with awkward silence. As soon as I was done eating I cleaned up my space and went straight to my room.

What a weird day.

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