Here we go

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I've never woke up to so much warmth and comfort in my life. The pillows are perfect. The one my face is submerged in is warm and soothing. I don't remember falling asleep with a body pillow. My leg is swung over it, and my arm is hugging it. The perfect size. That's until something moved. Down by my stomach.

My eyes fling open. The warm body pillow turns out to be an actual body. Shit when did Zander come in. Fuck I need to get out of this. But he's holding me tight and we're pretzelled together. It does not help his boner is rubbing against my stomach.

I would be lying if I said my lady bits weren't turned on right now. Just a natural reaction to the opposite sex. That's all that is.

Struggling to get out only makes him hug me tighter. "Just go back to bed. It's been a long night. Please." I can hear his defeated voice.

" Need to pee." With that he releases me with a sigh.

On my way over to the bathroom I know he's looking and my behind and legs. I can smell his arousal. I know he can smell mine. I need to get this under control. At least I actually had to pee.

Once I exit the bathroom I looked right at the bed and Zander is still laying on it but now he's leaned against the headboard. I can feel my wolf stir in my chest. Down girl, down. With a big breath I step out with confidence.

"First wipe that smirk right off your face." Now he's trying to hide it but I can tell this is amusing him. "Second you need to tell me what the fuck is going on. And are my parents ok?"

All he does is look at me. Like in the way you look at someone you want to fuck. "Stop looking at me that way"

" and here I thought you didn't speak much." This made him giggle to himself. " your parents are safe. Your mother is at a safe house and as your father is my beta he's at the pack house taking over for me right now. I have a couple things I need to take care of here".

"What things?" I'm not standing down.

"well for starters. Things are moving up a bit so your Luna ceremony is going to be tonight -"

"Tonight!?!" I thought I had at least a week to mentally prepare.

He lets out a big sigh and looks at the ceiling. " we got a message last night from Stone Ridge. It was the head of one of my warriors." I gasp but he goes on as if it gets worse. Boy was I wrong. "attached was a note. A note that states they attack in five months. But that's not all. They had a photo of you. One taken to long ago. As if they knew you were going to be Luna. I only decided 3 weeks ago I wanted you as my Luna. But the pack didn't know until yesterday about your new position. Which means someone in my close circle wants me out and is using stone ridge to do so. On your photo they wrote 'and when they kill me they'll have you'" The only reason he's telling me this is to relay the urgency of our situation.

"So you're telling me you need to secure your position as soon as possible. I get that. What I don't get is why me? Why am I so important? There are plenty of strong female warriors to choose from. I literally am a loner. Like I don't even like people!!" I get the situation from the bigger picture. I just don't understand how I fit into this. I'm no more important than any other strong female.

"The fact that you don't see it is why. There are pups here that look up to you. And the ones who give you glares, envy you. You're everything they wish they could be. You're humble in beauty and in strength. When you win in a match you don't gloat. You teach. You treat them as an equal and make sure they understand where they went wrong so they could maybe beat you next time. You're observant." He's now walking towards me but I'm to focused on what he's saying. " you watch everything and calculate your next move wisely. You never show your cards. Goddess I've been trying to get what you're thinking but you make it very difficult. Hell, you saw the gunman before I did and acted intelligently. I saw the way you took your dad to the floor in a way that would get him there faster." He's now touching my shoulders surprisingly soothing my wolf's anxiety. Fuck he's naked all but his briefs. His six pack, deep V, his bulge, his strong thig- shit stop it Anna.

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