You're a surgeon?!

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Your sleeping and your sleeping very good. suddenly you wake up.


You say this as you hear someone asking a question. You look down only to find that you have strange tools in your hands and that you are standing over a person who is going through surgery. All the nurses look at you and wait for your response. What would you say in this moment?

Apparently, you are just try to act like you know what you are doing. You start with the tools in your hand, one hand with a butter knife-looking thing and the other hand with what looks like tweezers. You're not quite sure what they do; all you know is that one of them cuts and the other one grabs. So you start with the knife-cutting thing. As you reach into the opened person a nurse stops you.

"But doctor, it's his heart, not his spleen."

You start to sweat.

"Great, what a fine day this will be."

You choose to say it for no given reason; you probably meant to say it in your head, but who cares? The nurses act like they really don't care, so why should you? Okay, you got this. It seems you have to operate on the heart, which should be easy, right? You can't remember if you even went to medical school, but you don't want to embarrass yourself by holding off
the surgery, you can do this!

"Hand me the doohickey."

You say confidently, and the nurse hands you it with a twinkle in your eye. You start cutting into the heart. You think
"Man, I'm pretty good at this, aren't I?" Unfortunately for you, blood starts shooting out of the heart. The nurses start screaming at the top of their lungs.


Okay, don't panic. You got this; you can fix it. You still aren't sure what you are supposed to do, but you probably can try to calm your nurses down. So you choose to leave the operation room. There's blood all over your scrubs and face. You happened to walk down a hall made for the visitors, and yes, the people are in shock at what they are witnessing.
You walk into a waiting room for families waiting for their loved ones in surgery, and the room goes silent because of your appearance. You're a bit embarrassed, so you play it off by walking up to someone and lowering your head.

"He didn't make it."

You say this to the man sitting there. You guessed it was the right choice, but who cares? You're probably sleeping, and all of this is just a nightmare. The man looks at you in confusion and says,

"Um, I'm just the janitor."

You embarrassed yourself big time in front of all these people. Suddenly, security starts walking into the waiting room, looking for someone. You know who they are looking for, but who do you think you are anyway? One of the security guards looked over at you and pointed at you.

"That's the doctor!"

They know what you look like, so you must not be a stranger to this hospital, which makes you pathetic since you don't know you. Alright, so now you choose to run, which in the back of your mind means you're going to get caught, but who knows, maybe you're about to wake up needing to pee or get a glass of water or whatnot.


You yell as you trip on noting down the hall, face first breaking your nose. Ouch, that's got to hurt. Look on the bright side of it, all the guards still caught you. One of the guards looks at your face with a yikes look on his face.

"Is it bad?"

You asked, hoping you didn't break it. The guards picked you up and carried you down the hall. That's when the nurses took over, and they laid you on a bed. The nurses comforted you as they poked you with a shot.

"Ouch, what was that for?"

You say as the nurses try to tell you.


The last part was cut out, which means you will not know what your name is. So now that you're asleep, this is good, you think, because
You will wake up in the room you went to sleep in last night. You can feel yourself waking up.

It's getting closer...

And closer...





Your awake. What a terrible dream that was!

"Just wonderful."

You say in the hospital ward you just realized you were in.

"Great," you think to yourself as you twiddle your thumbs. You look down and notice the nurse call button, and you push it. About two minutes later, a nurse comes in, and that's when you ask a question.

"Who am I, where am I, and what's going on?"

The nurse smiles.

"The doctor will be in shortly to tell you everything."

Okay, maybe this doctor has the answers you need. You start to wait, thinking of the possibilities.
Maybe you were in a coma and just woke up, or maybe you had amnesia and went into work today.
If so, hopefully you didn't kill your heart transplant patient. The doctor comes in. Oh, what a relief! The answers are here.

"Doctor, please tell me what's going on."

As you ask the doctor, you notice the doctor looks a bit confused, which makes you even more nervous. The doctor leans
In to tell you something, you lean forward to hear what he has to say.

"Hang in there; I'm not even sure what I'm supposed to do here."

Your eyes widened as you just realized what was going on.

The End.

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