Chapter 45 Tricked

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Who are you female? " Someone,  who just wants to talk peacefully and the ,female and cubs let them go please!" Your her! " Listen I don't even know what all the council members have against me aside from being power hungry, and putting more value on a title that has a dick ,everything I have seen from females the past two days , the only two who were  genuine were  Aris, and a little maid  Julia,who was so sweet and scared, of another who bullied her!

Now, that being said I understand that your chosen mate ,has her tits in a twist so what gives , why am I a threat to her? Did she want dick that isn't yours? Or is he being manipulated too? Let's,unfuck this bullshit!

" You ,are a rude uncaring female?" Really, would a rude uncaring female ask you  to let that female  and her cubs go when I could have easily got away? Would a mean female, crack jokes and have fun to break the ice ,and  diffuse situations or just fight constantly? Would a mean female smile in the faces of maids, and servants knowing they despise you for  no good reason? Yes, I make sex jokes! But answer me this if you had mates, and others  told them constantly your no good  just because of your origin, knowing they just want to use them wouldn't you have a bit of Ooh la la funny revenge, versus beat a bitch?

Your brother here had fun with me earlier ,and I quite enjoy his company we can work this mess out what do you say?  " My chosen mate will never agree!" Tell ,me what is her personality like?

" She is pretty, councilman niece , enjoys the company of many males but is sweet to them!" Does , she give them cubs or just pick and choose? "She, wants to wait until you are gone!"

Now, see that's just an excuse because she either wants this to happen because she wants to use you,  to get to me and lure my mates because Hey, Hey she's power hungry but I wager you  this...

Join me as mate, you and your brother help me save Beastworld Continent ,this is to bring strength and peace all they care about is telling you who to mate with because your strong  like Winston, or Knox here because of their strength, you become feared I promised Ape king, I didn't want a throne because I'd rather come and go, happily with our family but because of the threat ,I won't lie we do need you but I would treat you all with love and value your opinions if you haven't mated her, consider my offer and please talk with my mates!

I turn " You, aren't leaving here!" Really, so you would rather be used , or be put of a family who help each other? Let me go!
" I'm sorry I can't let you " I'm pregnant, are you going to kill six of us?

" Yes ,finally you got that mortal eyesore!"  You must be his sweetheart? "Kill, her Nos your brothers waiting!" So ,Nos is it thought you had more smarts than,that I didn't want to fight you!

" Kill the mortal!" Miss ho ho no, you get your pretty ass over here and fight me yourself  like the bad bitch you want to be!

You think that I won't? I laugh " Oh yeah ,and when you get a broken nail you'll cry ,and deny them sex because you ,are just using them to get to me, and me to get males already mated to me!"

You, didn't mate them? "No? !?" Well ,then enjoy the show! I took, off my shirt revealing all my mate marks ....YOU! " I am pregnant, with there cubs and just so you know I let them in on the game! Which,of my mates are you after?

"Jyuu,  is the strongest and has his own Continent and would have been mine!" Really, obviously you don't know my mother was pregnant with me here, but Jyuu always watched me quietly he just allowed you to think that, so you could be happy with yourselves,  you only thought he was yours!
Stop this, you are only using him!
" Of course, I am he is only a lesser god!"  You ,said you wanted me as mate! "YOU MORTAL TRICKED ME!

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