Chapter 4: Dumstrag

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The next morning, Harry and Draco awoke to the soothing sounds of the Malfoy Manor. It felt strange to be in such luxurious surroundings, far different from the Dursley's miserable home.

As they made their way downstairs, the aroma of breakfast filled the air. Narcissa Malfoy had prepared a delicious spread, and the boys couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth and belonging that they had never experienced before.

"Good morning, boys," Narcissa greeted them with a warm smile as they entered the dining room. Lucius was already seated, reading the Daily Prophet.

"Good morning," Harry and Draco chimed in unison.

Over breakfast, the Malfoys discussed their plans for Harry and Draco's education. Lucius had already contacted a private wizarding school that had a reputation for discretion and safety, far from the prying eyes of Voldemort's followers. It was a place where Harry and Draco could continue their studies in peace.

"You both will receive the best education and protection," Lucius assured them.

After breakfast, Lucius and Narcissa left for a meeting, leaving Harry and Draco to explore the grand manor. It was a vast place with many hidden nooks and crannies to discover. As they roamed the halls, they talked about their future and the new friends they'd make at their new school.

Days turned into weeks, and soon it was time for Harry and Draco to leave for their new school. They were both excited and nervous about this new chapter in their lives. The Malfoys accompanied them to the school, ensuring they settled in comfortably.

The school Dumstrag was indeed a haven of knowledge and safety. The headmaster welcomed them warmly, and Harry and Draco quickly made friends with other students who, like them, had experienced the turmoil of the wizarding world.

As the months passed, Harry and Draco excelled in their studies and grew even closer as friends. They remained in contact with their old friends from Hogwarts, and the Malfoys visited them regularly.

Their lives had taken a dramatic turn, from the Dursleys' abuse to the safety and warmth of the Malfoy family and the new school. Harry and Draco knew they were fortunate and vowed to make the most of this fresh start. At Durmstrang, Harry and Draco's talents began to shine even brighter. They quickly became known for their excellence in both academics and magical prowess. Their determination to succeed was fueled by the desire to make the most of their newfound sanctuary.

Their circle of friends at Durmstrang expanded, and they found kindred spirits in students who had faced adversity and hardship. Together, they formed a close-knit group that supported one another through the challenges of their magical education.

Despite being far from the familiar halls of Hogwarts, Harry and Draco cherished the friendships they had built back in England. They exchanged letters and news with Ron, Hermione, and their other friends regularly. The bond they shared was unbreakable, no matter the distance.

The Malfoys continued to be a source of guidance and support. Lucius and Narcissa visited the boys whenever they could, bringing not only news from the wizarding world but also love and care that had been absent from Harry's life for far too long.

Meanwhile, in the broader wizarding world, Lucius was working tirelessly behind the scenes. He recognized the potential in Harry, not as a dark lord but as a beacon of hope, a symbol of resilience against the darkness that had plagued the wizarding world for so long.

Lucius strategically sowed seeds of doubt among the remaining Death Eaters, subtly portraying Harry as a formidable force to be reckoned with. He highlighted Harry's accomplishments at Durmstrang and subtly emphasized his unique knowledge of dark magic, all while subtly suggesting that aligning with Harry might be a more prudent choice than clinging to a defeated ideology. A subtitle shift began to occur within the ranks of Voldemort's former followers. Some started to question their allegiance, and rumors of a rising dark lord began to circulate. Harry's name became synonymous with power and potential, and the Death Eaters grew increasingly uncertain about their future. Young Harry and Draco were no the wiser to Lucius plan to Catullus them to the top of the game. That's what life in the way adding world a constant game of strategy and power.

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